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as himself


as Dawn Cartheart

as Terrence Wright

as Josie Taren

**people casted above is my own interpretation of how I picture my characters. feel free to imagine them as anyone you'd like!**


Greetings, dear readers!

Thank you for giving 'healer' a shot! I just want to put a disclaimer, that this book is currently under a major editing. The original title was Let Me Heal You. I wrote this three years ago and i decided to re-write it because it has so many plot holes and flaws.

Also, please bare with my limited vocabulary, English isn't my mothertounge and I am still learning as I'm writing. The main reason on why i had put Healer (then being Let Me Heal You) on hold before was because I wasn't sure if I am capable to write everything as exact as I want it to be.

I wanted to deliver every scene and every emotion precise to how I picture it in my head but I wasn't sure with my English back then *cough* I still am *cough* but I want to give this a try and just.. write. I'll probably look back at this after a while and laugh, but I can always edit things out.


I will be changing the plot and (hopefully) correct the grammar and overall just editing everything that needs to be edited. So if you're reading this now, you're probably confused because the chapters doesn't match. I will try to update as frequently as possible, but it's still your decision to continue reading or not.

If you decide to stick around, thank you, and I hope you will like this book!
happy reading!

healer | freddie higmore Where stories live. Discover now