Part 3

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Okay seriously you're still here?
Sorry for not updating, I was on a school trip and was on a boat and got sick. But I'm back so more updates

You have to sit down and ask yourself. What am I doing with my life? How did I get here?

And who killed Kenny.

All the questions you have to ask yourself.

By the way yes I'm doing the record of what happened last time only cause some don't wanna scroll back and look at it, like my lazy ass

"Just get a room" bakugo sipped his drink looking at them smirking,

Again Midoriya was confused still and was about to ask what he means by it, kirishima saw that and put a hand over his mouth

"Don't even go there muffin, that is a dark dark place" kirishima chuckled letting go looking at the smaller figure who was turning red again

"Okay?" Was all the boy could muster as he was confused as to what happened and to why he couldn't ask


No ones POV brought to you by my sex life (what sex life)

The night slowly went on hours passed and now it was 9pm, originally they arrived at 6-6.30pm so it still wasn't that late but that just happened to be the time okay what more do you want from me.

"Guys who's hungry?" Bakugo asked casually as it was only quite with chitter chatter

"Yeah hell of course I am!" Mina yelled throwing her hands in the air again

"I could go for some food" todoroki (makes an appearance, that's right guys, forgot he excited for a moment) said casually with his monotone voice

Everyone agreed that food was a great idea and were talking about ordering pizza

"Hey he hold your dicks guys I didn't finish my fucking sentence Jesus fucking Christ" bakugo groaned and snarled slightly

This earned a chuckled and a giggled from kirishima and Midoriya

"We will do a noodle eating contest, the fastest ones will win, we will have two rounds and only the first 5 who finish all the noodles will win"

"Is there a prize Kacchan?"

"Bragging rights idiot, what else"

"Why did I bother asking" he whined closing his eyes slightly earning a chuckled from kirishima who was sitting next to him

"You should have really learned by now muffin"

"Stop calling me that" he whined slightly and ignored him looking at bakugo

"Get a room"

"I want to ask- so bad- so god damn bad- what that means-" Midoriya groaned holding his face is pure disappointment as he listened to to rest of what bakugo had to say

"Alright so I'm excluded in this, I'm the judge so no fucking cheating or a foots going to be shoved up your ass and I don't wanna hear the wild fucking masochist moans you fuckers have so let's hope that don't happen Kay?" Bakugo grumbled and rambled on about the rules how they were meant to use chop sticks and couldn't pour it into your mouth

"So toshonoki you gonna play" bakugo said clearing forgetting todoroki's name

"That's not my na-"

"Todoloki? Todogofuckyourself, I don't care if I forgot your name you're a side character anyway"

"And apparently someone didn't get the love and attention they needed as a child huh bakugo" todoroki said standing up going to the table that was lined in rows of noodles for everyone

"Yeah dude I'm not a mirror mister daddy issues"

"Guys would you stop fighting already! Get a room!" Midoriya shouted as he huffed not knowing the context of what he just said as people laughed

"Dude that is the best line I've heard you say" kirishima laughed and broke the chop sticks smiling next to him

"Whatever- alright go!"

Everyone started to eat but it was only left with Midoriya, kirishima, momo, Denki, and of course todoroki

"Hey asshats, onto round two~
Now can you wipe your fucking face already, you guys look like shit" bakugo snarled and continued to sit in the sofa

"Kacchan you'll make us sick-"

"GO!" Bakugo yelled out and midoriya blinked looking around and started to eat, kirishima came first and midoriya second,

He was in a constant whine wishing he didn't eat so much as kirishima smiled laughing at him

"That's kinda cute midoriya, don't go over eating tho~ don't want you to get sick now do we"

"Stop teasing me kirishima..." he simply whined and looked at him as he sat on the couch as well "I feel like I've been hit by a truck and Kacchan was the one driving..."

"I can guarantee you I haven't hit you with a truck. Yet"

"What-?" Midoriya looked at him suddenly confused

"Huh?" Bakugo acted dumb as if he didn't say anything at all

"Guys Guys calm down already" kirishima smiled laughing and shook his head "besides we have a final event soon so get a little shut eye midoriya"

"What's the next event?" He looked at kirishima tilting his head ever so slightly swinging his legs back and forth

"Cute... well you'll have to find out later, get some rest, wake you in 30"

With that midoriya fell asleep on the couch and kirishima ended up chatting with bakugo

"So like watching the nerd sleep shitty hair?"

"He's quite cute when he's asleep isn't he?"

"Hey gay lord don't bring me into your awkward boner, I ain't tapping that ass if you know what I mean, he's all yours" Bakugo snickered and kirishima rolled his eyes

"Do you have to phrase it like that?"

"Kirishima. When have I not acted like this."

"Good fucking point-" kirishima grumbled and sighed to himself looking at midoriya

"Language young man!" Bakugo yelled and nudge kirishima shoulder hard as to teach him a lesson

"Oh sorry mum. I forgot you were there. You're just so old I thought you had already turned to dust"

"I- what- the hell- shitty hair when did you get good at comebacks?"

Kirishima lightly chuckled and looked over to bakugo with a snicker "I learn from the best, master"

"Good. My young Jedi learning so fast. I'm a proud mother" Bakugo nodded putting his hand over his heart in a sarcastic way shedding a fake ass tear

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