Chapter 3

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Kit quickly scanned the café searching for Ming, it has been two days since he first met him and ever since then his mind has been only occupied with Ming and few occasions of his conversations with Nila

Phana sighed as he sat down opposite to Kit, who's eyes were still roaming around hardly looking at what he was putting into his mouth.

"Your stalker Stalkee, isn't here huh?" Beam asked with a smile when he saw disappointment paint Kik's face. He placed his plate on the table and quickly searched the café once before siting down next to him.

"Idiot" Kit said as he pretended as if he was not searching for anyone

"Why don't you talk to him?" Phana asked, now curious "If you are worried, I feel like we can trust him"

"See ..." Beam chuckled "You have dad's approval"

"I was not searching for anyone" Kit replied annoyed, his patience already running thin with his current situation.

"You have been so lost for past two days" Phana said

"And grumpy and annoying and ...." Beam looked at Phana "Damm... I ran out of decent words"

"I am not" Kit  said in a frustrated tone

"Kit is in Loveee....." Beam said in a sing-a-song tone "Do you miss you loverrr.???

"Shut the hell up" Kit said "I don't love him" 

"Yeah right" Beam said, while Phana asked "What is holding you back?"

"Well, what the fuck is holding you back?" Kit shouted before he could control himself, and Phana's face lost it's smile.

" Phana" Kit mumbled when he realized what he had done, his gaze shifted to Beam who seemed to be looking at the door.

Beam had quickly looked away as soon as he heard Kit's words, he has always been aware of Phana's affection, but he pretended not to know. While he was sure he loved Phana, he was not sure if he was in love with him and mostly, he didn't want to hurt Phana.

"Hey look, new kid is here" Beam quickly changed the topic.

Phana didn't reply he had noticed the change in Beam the minute Kit said those words, he just thought as long as I don't say anything, it will be all okay he took a deep breath and decided to follow the flow but tuning his gaze towards the Café entrance.

"Posh" Phana called out loud, and when he saw Posh tagging along with Ming he used it to call them to their table "Join us"

"Sure" Posh said as he rushed to grab his food.

Ming had spotted Kit the minute he reached Café, and had been standing there observing him until Posh dragged him inside. He silently grabbed his plate and sat next to Posh, opposite to Ming

"So how is school?" Beam asked in general

"It has been good, but my mentor refused to show be around" he said his eyes only on Kit, who seems to be turning red by the second – he is so beautiful Ming thought

"and why is that?" Posh asked as he stuffed his face "who is your mentor?"

"I don't know" Ming answered with a cheeky smile "but I heard he is really cute and friendly"

Phana noted the light tease in Ming's tone, he looked really carefree and relaxed. A complete 180 from what he had seen during his try-outs. He must have been really scared was all Phana could think.

"Cute and friendly" Posh thought for a second.... "Nope, no one in our school will fit the description,not even the girls let alone boys" he shook his head once as he looked around and then his eyes landed on Kit

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