Chapter 5

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Troy had finally felt as if he had found his new home, they had wasted no time in getting his clothes for him and enrolling him in school with Devon. He managed to keep his secret well hidden. The CIA had still not found him and no new information was discovered that would lead them to him. Days would continue to pass and he would be at peace with his new family but that was about to change.

One day as they had returned from school they entered the house to find Debra on the couch with a weird look on her face.

“Mom what’s wrong?” Devon asked.

She didn’t answer at first but as Devon approached her he noticed the news was on. They sat down quietly and listened as the reporter showed horrific pictures of the other side of the world.

“Once again New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia and India have been eradicated from the face of the earth. He comes to us from a different dimension and calls himself Lord Lucifer. He has warned us that if we do not bow down and obey him the rest of the world will seize to exist.

“Dear god help us all” Debra mentioned.

Troy was stunned he couldn’t believe that this was it. This was the end of the world and he did nothing to prevent this.

“How did Lord Lucifer survive, I don’t understand” he said out loud catching the other’s attention.

“Where did he find Dean?” he asked himself.

He stood up and started pacing back and forth wondering what was going to happen next.

“Dear what are you talking about” Debra asked.

Troy did not reply he just kept going back and forth.

“I should have done something more, now I’m going to lose my new family” Troy said as tears started to swell in his eyes.

“Troy, Troy” Debra said.

He looked up at her and she had seen his sad face. She stood up and comforted him.

“Son what’s wrong” She asked.

“The end of the world is what’s wrong, I just finally found a good family and now we are all going to die and there is nothing I can do to stop it” He replied.

Baffled, she looked at him as if it was his responsibility to save the world. She did not know what to say but just held him as he cried. Within hours the United Nations sent out their most powerful forces to stop Lord Lucifer but, it was all futile. He had gained ultimate power and there was nothing that could stop him. Debra kept the television on and watched all the different reports on this matter, some experts tried to opinionate on the matter but Troy laughed finding it amusing that the human race could have experts on Lord Lucifer.

The only real expert was himself having come face to face with him on more than one occasion. As the weeks passed Lord Lucifer eradicated half of the world and had threatened to destroy the rest if the surviving countries did not oblige. Sadly the remaining countries had no choice. They would either face extinction or become his slaves.  They choose slavery rather then death.

As this new reign came over earth Troy had found it harder to sleep. While sleeping he would see his brother, his mother and father appear to them. There would be times where Debra or Jeff would sleep in the same room with him to assure him that they were just bad dreams. Finally one night as Jeff sat awake around 2:00 in the morning watching his new son sleep. Troy sat up in his bed dead asleep and started speaking.

“But dad Lord Lucifer has won” he said.

“What Troy” Jeff asked but didn’t get an answer.

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