30 18 17

He woke up with a start.
His clothes were drenched in sweat and he was out of breath. It all felt too real. He could still remember the pain and that burning smell.
The last time he had such kind of dream was about six years ago, when he was 19, When that happened.
He shivered at the memory which wasn't as clear in his mind as it should've been. It was just a blurry medley of muddled emotions and distorted images and voices, that became even more clouded with the passage of time.

A burning house, screams, blood and regret..

Regret was the emotion he felt too often and without any known reason.

He turned his head to the left and looked at himself in the full length mirror while still sitting on the bed. A pale tired looking guy with dark circles under his eyes stared back at him. He then checked the time on his phone, it was 3:25 am.
He laid back down and stared at the ceiling as his mind wandered off again.

Where were they?
Why didn't they try to contact him?
Were they still in contact with each other?

He had no idea..

He couldn't even properly remember the day he saw them for the last time. But he had a strong feeling that it was the same day which turned his life upside down..
Something was off about everything that happened.

He could recall that four days later when he woke up on a hospital bed, he was told that it was possibly an accident and no one survived except him. His parents were both dead. And after that, for almost a year, he had no idea what happened, how he lived, how he made money, how he found a place to live...

There was just a void in place of those lost memories.

The memories he didn't want to regain..


Hey guys! How are y'all doing?
I'm so so so soooo sorry for this super late update.
From now on I'll be more active!

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