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the whole situation is a mess LMAOO , if i was saying this irl it would be funnier but , typing will suffice

first off babygirl lost 2 million subscribers , as he should . dude no longer deserved his fans after he was trying to make people pay 500 dollars to hear him sing whomp whomp whomp , kick his feet , & talk about how straight men ( we will get to that later ) dont wanna date him . like dude first off , all your fans are between the ages of 13-17 so their parents would be paying , which they arent gonna do . & u wanna complain because u dont wanna meet thousands of people a day so you gotta make the prices like that . sweetie , if u dont wanna meet that many people 1. dont have a big ol venue that can quote " fit thousands of people " 2. collen ballinger who was PREGNANT was able to have bigs venues , cheap prices & was able to meet thousands of people a day . u dont have an excuse .

now jam candle has been talking about how he goes for straight men since dinosaurs died . & im pretty sure countless of people have told him that he needs to stop with that . even shane dawson & rylan adams told him he needs to stop with that in a fucking video , like dude ur
g a y . & even if someone comes to you & says that they are questioning their sexuality u dont come in trying to help them . u let them figure that out themselves , that is not something you just pull out of somebody . & then be mad whne later they come & say " you know what no , im straight " u dont get to be mad . no one told you to force yourself to onto this person hoping that they will be gay & want to be with you . that shit is weird . & now people are saying he has been doing this since high school , like think of what james has probably told this men to get them to act in his favor . like he was doing this when he didnt have any power but now that he has some he doesnt know hoe to act .

it really sad that we praise this youtubers who come from " nothing " & then get shit & dont know how to act . that just shows that they werent humble when they didnt have shit & they realllyyy arent humble now that they got shit . but ya know , when you do clownery , the clown comes back to bite ya .

so at the end of the day jango clam no longer has a career & will be at the homeless shelter with mango mua . he just put the worst name for his family , especially his brother who lowkey is unproblematic but will be now because of james . sooooo

we stan queen tati lmaoo . thats it , this will be the only long chapter . sorry bye

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