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"Hey Kyle! Come here a second!" The fat boy with slick brown hair and blazing hazel eyes harshly snapped at the short, skinny ginger boy across the table.

"One sec, Stan. Let me go see what fatass wants." Kyle mumbled as he walked over with a slow pace. "What do you need, Cartman?"

"Come on." Cartman grabbed Kyle's wrists tightly and pulled him harshly forwards, his body jerked towards the ground but luckily he caught himself, he quickened his pace as he was dragged out the room and pinned to a nearby locker.

"Alright fag, pay up."

"W-What? Cartman get off me."

Cartman growled, his teeth baring defensively- his fist fling forwards into Kyle's stomach.

"Ah fuck, my hand slipped, now Kyle," The smirking boy spoke confidently as the shivering boy cowered below his terrifying glare. "You're gonna pay me £20 tomorrow or else, you got that? Give me your lunch too or I'm gonna tell everyone about your little secret, also don't tell anyone about now or Stan's gonna hear it all."

Kyle furiously nodded and Cartman violently brought him back to the cafeteria and he nervously walked over to his best friend.

"Jesus Kyle, what happened?"

"Ah nothing... I just- umm yeah." Stan watched as his best friend clutched his stomach and took his tray of full food to Cartman. Stan was the same as usual, taller than he used to be but still the same.

"Um, Kyle what was that?" Craig asked, Craig was one of the average sized boys in Kyle's class, he hadn't changed much except for his slightly more empathetic tone of voice and looked like he was always sleep deprived. Glaring at Cartman for a good few seconds before softening his gaze at Kyle, Craig shoved some burger into his mouth.

"Nothin' am just not hungry. I feel sick." Kyle lay his head down on the table and covered himself with his arms. Unbeknownst to him, the boys around him were passing notes about him, conspiring against Cartman. Kyle looked up from his arms to see Kenny just arriving to the table and Stan's nervous eyes glancing at him every so often. Kenny furrowed his eyebrows and looked inwards in thought.

"Oh. Hey Kenny." Kyle muttered to the blonde freckles boy diagonal to him.

"Hey Kyle, you okay?" Kenny's deeper voice-called our from his muffled orange parka, which he just got a new one every time he grew. Kenny hadn't really changed much, just got slightly more mature and was a genuinely nicer person. He had a job and helped pay rent as well as toys and food for Karen so she could live a normal life as well as helping out around the house.
Kyle smiled softly at his beloved friend, who stuck by him throughout the years, "Yeah, just feeling a bit queasy."

Kenny shook his head and went back to his conversation to Stan until lunch ended.


Kyle picked up his tray and brought it over to Cartman's table, he placed £15 on the table and was about to leave before Cartman grabbed his wrist and jerked him outside. Kyle shrugged towards his friends as he followed quickly to the lockers. Rough arms trapped him and forced him tighter and tighter into a smaller space.

"I said 20, Kahl!"

"Sorry, I didn't have twenty, Cartman! Please... I can get you the rest tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's not good enough, you fucking Jew."

"There's nothing wro-"

"Shut up! You fucking failure." Cartman's fist swung several times into Kyle as well as a few good kicks. "Don't fucking tell anyone you, Jew. I saw you yesterday."

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