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The air was dry and the sky was anything but clear, with thick, brown clouds covering the moonlight and the snow on the ground slowly dissolving into nothing, it was a warm night. Kyle was asleep in his warm bed and the soft sounds of his snores could be heard breaking the silence calmly. Everyone was asleep, everyone except Stan Marsh.

Stan Marsh lay thinking in his bed, a bottle of Smirnoff by his side as his thoughts wavered quickly. He sighed and rolled on his side, watching the tree slightly move every so often, the sky was brown as far as he was concerned and all he could do was wait until the urge to drink grew too strong. He knew that his best friend, Kyle, hated when he drank but it made him feel normal, like he wasn't mentally ill or anything. It made him happy and he'd have to deal with Kyle's disappointment sooner or later anyways. He took a big gulp and got out of bed, he quickly got changed into some suitable clothes, just some black skinny jeans and a red hoodie as well as his brown coat and blue hat. He grabbed his 6 pack of vodka based bottles and left the house quietly, not that he really had to be quiet, both his parents were out on some getaway and Shelly was a really heavy sleeper. He walked slowly  to Starks Pond, taking big gulps of alcohol every once in awhile. As he sat on the bench that had his name engraved on it, he came to a dead end in his thoughts. All he could do was drink and laugh, until morning when he woke up from the dry bench. Except he wasn't on a bench, he was in someone's bed.
He sat up quickly, too quickly. His head pounded as he looked around, everything was spinning for him.

This is Kyle's bedroom, he thought as he turned to look at the bedside table, a glass of water, two pills and a note.

'Stan, we really need to talk and all, I'll be home from school soon, hopefully. Feel free to play on the Xbox or pc.


Stan groaned as he grabbed the water and swallowed the two tablets down quickly. As he studied the notes further, he noticed that there was wet patches on the sheet and they hadn't dried like water would.

Shit, I must have really upset him this time!

Stan turned on the tv and put on a movie with low volume. He sighed as he almost drifted to sleep, after a few movies, he heard the door slam shut as a person marched up the stairs angrily into the room. Stan looked shocked as he saw his best friend with big tears in his eyes slide to the floor slowly.


Kyle's head shot up and he looked scared almost, "Stan? I thought you would've like... left by now."

"Oh umm did you want me to?"

"No! I umm... this is awkward."

"Oh, sorry. Are you okay though?"

Kyle stood up slowly and nodded, "Yeah.. yeah, I'm fine but are you?"

Stan looked confused, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Nope and by the sounds of it, I don't think I want to."

"You hate me, right? You even said it on your post last night on Instagram and you don't even like social media so you must hate me!"

Stan looked hurt and angry, angry with himself for drinking so much, angry that he hurt the one he loved so much but so hurt that his best friend thought he hated him.

"Kyle... Look, I don't hate you... come here."

Kyle stared down at his blue carpet and awkwardly shuffled over to Stan. Stan embraced Kyle into a hug, reluctantly Kyle hugged back and then sat on the bed next to Stan.

"Can you tell me the whole story?"

Kyle nodded as he opened an app on his phone. "I left the house to go to Starks Pond and-"

"Why where you going to Starks Pond?"

"Unimportant! Right, anyways I got there and you was just lying there on the bench and I thought you were dead at first. I tried picking you up but you ended up on the snowy floor. Then you picked yourself up and just clung to my back so I took you back to my place. I tried getting you to sleep and you kept calling me a dickhead for not letting you call Wendy."

"I'm sorry about that by the way."

Kyle smiled reassuringly and looked out the window from his place in bed, "It's fine... it's just when I left to the couch to go to sleep I got a notification and basically you just posted about well the whole argument thing we had and stuff and said some things and then all day at school Wendy has been on my back about you messaging her over and over and then not coming in."

"Oh right, if you're that upset by that let me lighten the mood." Stan grinned as he engaged in a tickle attack in Kyle. "Gah! STAN! You alcoholic, get off!"

Kyle laughed as his best friend cheered him up, "I don't hate you, I kind of love you actually so..."


Stan nodded as Kyle's happy face turned into one of realisation and shock, "You broke your promise... you drank again! Do you know how much it hurts me Stan."

"I know, I'm sorry, when I feel like drinking I'll come to you straight away."

Kyle looked away distrustfully, "I dunno Stan... Pinky promise?"

"I pinky promise," Stan began and his smile widened, "Also your fingers are small as all hell."

. . .

"Shut up you alcoholic."

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