Alone but not dying

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He stared off at them, like he always did at lunchtimes. His face leaning slightly on his arm as he watched with his large, round green eyes. His lips pursed into a smile to cover the overwhelming sadness that enveloped him in a disgusting embrace, the force of anxiety and pain made his heart ache and his grip tightened on his cheek.

"Stan! Why'd you do that?" The girl with black hair asked playfully as she pushed him gently, the boy laughed and shook his head.

"Do what?" Stan grinned energetically as he reached for the hand of his girlfriend, she slowly intertwined there fingers and Kyle's emerald eyes couldn't look away as his nails scratched into his skin painfully, but he didn't notice.

"You know what you did," She laughed and kissed his cheeks, "I've gotta go, babe. I have cheerleading practice."

Stan kissed her lips softly and she left, her hand slowly slipping from his grasp, the raven-haired boy turned to look at Kyle with a massive smile on his face. But Kyle wasn't there and he was left alone with the thoughts of his friend who had gone missing and the thought of watching the girls practice entered, he shook his head and left to find his friend.


Kyle sighed as he sat against a locker, his legs shaking and his face was red raw with scratches and he struggled to stop himself from doing it again but eventually succeeded as he tried to think of something else. He groaned as he stood up and hit the back of his head on the locker. He rubbed it slowly to find a small lump and he shook his head and a raven haired boy flew down the corridor, "Kyle! I found you! Where were you, dude?"

His eyes were brimmed with small, clear tears but he quickly blinked them away and crossed his arms as he turned away from Stan, "I was waiting for you but I guess you had more important things to do."

Stan looked appalled and shocked as he went to reach for Kyle but his hand got slapped away.

"What the fuck, Kyle?"

"Me, what the fuck? What about you?"

"What about me, Kyle? You can't keep acting up like this when there's nothing wrong!"

Kyle's lips parted as if to say something but as he turned to see his best friend he couldn't say anything. The tension was high and the two seconds of silence was slowly killing him, poisoning him with unbearable heartache. 'It'd go away eventually', he thought, but it never did.

"You came too late, Stan! I watched you and I'm so happy that you got to play with your girlfriend instead of helping your ex super best friend in his time of need!" Kyle's eyes had leaked already, big droplets of clear liquid flew down his cheeks and Stan glared at him harshly.

"Your time of need? What about me? My girlfriend is pregnant!"

Silence filled the air again as Kyle choked back a sob, "I- I know, Stan... I'll tell you- I'll tell you why it was so important to come to lunch- to lunch if you want?"

Stan shook his head, "I don't want to hear it if we're not super best friends."

Stan walked off angrily, his face beet red and his eyes struggled to focus on one thing.


As the bell rung for school to end Kyle picked up his red backPack and swung it against his back and held it tightly, his thoughts all fell back to Stan. His fri- super best friend didn't care... he sighed and left the room with the other students. Kenny bounded over with Butters, "Hey Kyle!"

Kyle smiled warmly at them and his grip on his backpack loosened, "Oh Hey Kenny, hi Butters."

"Um Kyle, did you tell him yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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