Back in time

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I wish I could go back in time
Before I ever met you

The time before you stole my heart
And made it yours
As we walked down the beach
On its tided shores

You gave me a promise ring then
And oh god I was so in love
I'm sure you were too
As we spent years knowing each other

Since kindergarten
You lived down my street
You were my first friend
I was lucky to meet

We dated in middle school
Thinking it would last forever
Sadly love nor life
Can be an endeavor

I wish I can go back in time
Before that accident
Leaving me behind With a broken heart
from your absence

I wish love was strong enough
To keep someone alive
However you can't do anything
Ever since you went on that drive

The road that winded
And the opposing car That didn't look
As it collided
Making your last breath took

I wish you were here
To fill this empty void
I love you so much
But now I'm destroyed

I can never love again
I keep the ring on a necklace
It's a memory of you
And to not be reckless

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