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No ones POV
"You are my sunshine my only sunshine" said a quiet voice "you make me happy when skies are gray..." tears came from their eyes "you'll never no dear..." the tears turned into sobs "h-how much i love you.." soon a another voice joined "please don't take our sunshine away" the couple sobbed "I'll always love you" the American one said "and make you happy" continue the Russian one "cause you are our sunshine" "my only sunshine" the American one said as their face got covered in tears "you make me happy" spoke the Russian as he hugged his husband "when skies are gray" everything was not right what have they done to deserve this "you'll never no dear just how much we love you ....."the couple could not stop "please don't take our sunshine....away.." sadness filled they air "please don't take our sunshine away.." the couple sang the kids favorite song the twins were on their death bed completely pale with blood everywhere "we did everything we could I'm sorry" the American snapped "YOU SHOULD OF TRIED HARDER MY BABIES ARE DEAD YOU COULDN'T EVEN SAVE THEM" his Russian husband tried to calm him down "hunny we can't change this" "WE SHOULD OF BEEN THERE" "WE SHOULD OF SAVED THEM RUSSIA" "America calm down they did everything" "WHY TODAY THOUGH I WANTED TO SEE THEM GROW UP NOW I WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGIAN" the American cried onto his husbands lap
Authors POV
Sometimes things don't go as we think even when you least expect it today the couple did not have a happy Mother's Day And they don't think they ever will ever again they visit their babies at their graves to sing them their song....
You are my sunshine
Here lies
A amazing son
A amazing Daughter
You will be missed
Happy Mother's Day and be happy they are with you

Rusame oneshots(Russia x America)Where stories live. Discover now