A idea?

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So I'm actually making art of this so basically America is the god of life and Ussr(or Russia idk I ship Ussr x America to) is the god of death (cliche right? Sorry) it's ussr's(or Russia's) job to kill life but he has never seen him since his always in his garden or in a oversized cloak but when he does meet him he can't help but fall in love with how innocent he is and just wanting to protect the little life marshmallow even if he can't touch him (kinda like reaper sans from reapertale plus ussrs/Russia's again don't know outfit is kinda like reapers) America teaches him about love and passion he even makes him flower crowns even if they die he just wants the help the sad god
So idk if I should write this because it might be Ussr and America and I'm scared people will hate me..... so again don't know what do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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