Chapter 22

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I jumped out of bed. Who was knocking on the door this early? I looked at the clock. Okay, it was 8; not that early. But still.

I opened the door to reveal a group of 4 tall boys all dressed in black.

Black Veil Brides.

I smiled. "What is it with you Black Veil Brides guys coming to my house when I'm sleeping?" I asked, referring to when Jinxx arrived. Jinxx then showed up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I could see him smiling widely at the boys.

"Come on in, guys," he murmured as we stepped out of the way.

They rushed in, throwing their bags all over the floor. I frowned. "Wow, they've been here less than a minute and the house is already trashed," I mumbled as I picked up all of their suitcases and put them on one side of the room.

"You're welcome," CC said with a grin. I couldn't help but smile back.

Andy sat on the couch and stretched his longs legs out as he put his feet on the coffee table. "No feet on the tables," I scolded. Andy quickly took his feet off.

"Sorry, mom," Andy mumbled. I just laughed it off.

"I'm going back to bed," I mumbled as I went back to my room. I fell right to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

For the second time that day, I jumped out of bed. This time because of the freezing liquid that was being dumped on my head.

I looked up to see Andy with a big bucket of ice water tilted over so that it was spilling on me. CC and Jake were behind him, trying to contain their laughter. Ash and Jinxx weren't there though. I jumped out of bed and got in Andy's face.

"I let you come to my house and you dump water on me? Get out," I said in a serious voice.

His face fell and he set the bucket down and they all turned to go. I quickly picked up the bucket and threw the remaining water at them. They all froze and then slowly turned to me with smiles on their faces. They then all jumped on me, knocking me back onto the bed. I pushed them all off of me and ran for the door. I turned down the hall and went into the living room to find Jinxx tied to a chair with Ash sitting on his lap, covering his mouth.

Ash jumped up when he saw me and Jinxx said "I tried to stop them ,but they... well... I guess you can see for yourself."

I started laughing. I fell to the floor and clutched my stomach as I laughed uncontrollably. Just then, the boys barrelled down the hallway and jumped on me again.

"Can't. Breathe. Get. Off. Please." I gasped.

"Come on guys, don't kill her!" Jinxx yelled. Everyone got off, and then we all fell over laughing again. Mikey, Alex, and Ralph, who had watched the whole thing, were now laughing with us. Or at us. I wasn't really sure.

After a few minutes of this, I decided that I needed to shower and get ready for the day. After an hour, I was all ready for the day. It was noon.

"So whatcha guys wanna do today?" I asked everyone.

"We should all just stay here for the day. Watch movies, listen to music, eat," Mikey said and everyone cheered when he mentioned eating. I giggled. Of course. With a house full of boys, there was going to be no food left after today.

"And then tomorrow, we'll go to the store," I laughed. Everyone joined in.

I was in the mood to listen to some music, so I turned on my iPod. I scrolled down until I found the band I wanted to listen to at the moment; D.R.U.G.S.

"Hey! That's my best friend's band!" Andy shouted.

"Oh yeah, Matt Good. I saw the interviews," I admitted.

Andy laughed. "I think everyone has seen those videos. They were so fucking funny," he laughed again.

"True," I joined in the laughter. "Hey! We would watch those today!" I decided. Everyone said yes, so I went to get my laptop. I plugged it in next to the tv so that it wouldn't die while we were watching it, and I plugged it into the tv so that we could watch the interviews on the big screen. We watched all of the BVB interviews with Bryan Stars in order. They were awesome. Most were with Andy, there was two with Andy and Matt, and one with Jinxx and Jake. They were all super funny. When we were finished, it about 4. We decided to listen to music quietly, chat, and eat some snacks.

 I turned my iPod on to shuffle, and Sleeping with Sirens came on. All of My Heart was the song. I sat on Jinxx's lap and leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and just listened to the song. It was definitely one of my favorites. It was so sweet. And it was very slow, until the end. And I liked the harder part at the end. What can I say; I enjoy rock 'n roll.

"You still have all of my... You still have all of my... You still have all of my heart," Jinxx whispered in my ear. I grinned. He was so sweet. And he knew the song. I kissed his cheek and sang the next line to him, which the same thing he sang me.

Then, The Mortician's Daughter ironically came on. I smiled again as Jinxx sang the entire song to me. Everyone else was chatting away, so no one noticed how spaced out we were from everyone else. We were in our own little world.

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