Chapter 27

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A few seconds later, we heard sirens.

"Did.. Did he just.. shoot himself?" I asked the boys as I continued to stare at my dead father.

They all nodded slowly as I looked at them.

The police busted through the door, and that brought us out of our surprised, confused stupor.

"CC!" Andy shouted as he took off out the door. I stayed to explain what happened to the cops, but the boys, except Jinxx, went to their bus.

"We need a paramedic!" I heard Jake yell.

And that was when I broke down. I started sobbing as I thought about what my father had done. Had he killed CC? Why had he killed himself? What was the reason for what he just did? Jinxx just held me and let me cry into his shirt.

"This is all my fault," I kept murmuring.

"No, it's not. It's your father's fault," Jinxx said, and the police agreed.

"But if I wasn't with you, then you wouldn't have came here to save me, and CC wouldn't be dead right now!" I yelled.

"Alaina, stop. I love you. I wasn't going to let him hurt you. And CC isn't dead," he said soothingly into my hair.

Apparently, while I had been crying, someone had come in to tell us that CC was fine, he just needed a blood transfusion and I hadn't heard them. Whatever, I was just happy that CC would be okay.

They took my father's body away, and took CC away in an ambulence. I also had to go to the hospital because I had a concussion. They gave me some meds, and I was okay, but CC had to stay in the hospital for a while. So I stayed at the BVB house with them. Then, the day CC was getting out of the hospital, we all went there to pick him up.

As we were all leaving the hospital, I clung to Jinxx's side. He had saved me. I owed him my life.

"Thank you so much, Jinxx," I blurted as we walked to his car.

"You're welcome baby, but for what?" he asked as he opened my door for me.

"For saving me... My father could've killed me, and then you guys came and risked your lives for me... So thank you."

"Well of course I came and risked my life for you. I love you," he whispered as he kissed my cheek. I got in the car and we drove to the BVB house.


haha jk, but it's almost the end D: I don't think I'll write a sequel, but maybe I will. I'm not sure. I know how this story is going to end... Sort of... I'm not sure exactly, but it'll hopefully be good c: I know what's going to happen, obviously, since i'm the author, but I'm not exactly sure if I wanna put this other thing in there, or make that a sequel, or what... OH WELL, YOU'LL SEE IN A FEW CHAPTERS :D there will probably be about 30 chapter. So, be expecting this to end in the next few chapters. D:

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