Zac II: Under the Pale Shadow

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The gatehouse was lowered to let the jeep into the castle, within moments the desolate countryside which the land was changed into a bustling hub of mankind. Far above the sea of radioactive fog which covered the dreary landscape, the castle stood like a lighthouse upon a reef.

"Zac," said Jasper, "welcome to your new home, this castle is ours."

"Woah," Zac looked up and gazed upon the great towers and hotels of the castle, it was so unlike what he had known before.

"Well, well, new survivor," a woman in a distance said, getting up and coming to Zac. "He looks cute, but do you think he'll be able to hold on his own? Poor guy looks like his bones will break if I hold him too tightly."

"But he's cute," another girl said from behind in a thick British accent, "I like his hair, he reminds me of Harry Styles."

Zac blushed, he wasn't used to being complimented like this.

"Uh, Zac," Yara looked up at him, "this is Gozi," he said pointing to the lady in the front, "and this is Adelia," said he pointing to the girl behind. "We rescued them a few days ago."

"Nice to meet you," said Zac, "I'm Zac, uh, hi. I'm, um..."

"Sorry to interrupt, guys," Jasper barged in, "but I have to go discuss some stuff, and I think it'll be best if Yara comes with me too."

"What's the matter?" asked Yara.

"There's someone I want you to meet."

"No, Yara, stay with us," Adelia insisted, "you just returned."

"Sorry girls," said Yara, "work comes first."

"Oh no, I hate you," Adelia cursed as Yara and Jasper went away, Zac left in fear and awkwardness.

"Hello Zac," said Gozi, "you're cute, hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine," said Zac, kinda nauseated, "so where are you from?"

"England," said Adelia, "you?"

"Oh, I'm from England too," Zac smiled, "and you, Gozi?"

"Oh I'm from Wakanda," she said almost seriously, "and I'm an artist. I came here because a girl said she wants to co-draw and I agreed, but she was already turned into a zombie so I had to kill her."

"Shame," said Zac.

"So Zac, what about you, how did you get here?" asked Gozi.

"Well, I've lived here all my life," said Zac, "I'm a musician, or rather was. When I heard the news of the zombie attacks, I ran away and started living in the forests."

"Wow Zac, what did you eat to eat there?" asked Gozi. "And where did you stay at night? And where did you get friends and weapons?"

"I took some supplies with me when I left, and once they ran out, I had to go salvage old malls for stuff. Sometimes I'd find good stuff; other times I had to just run away empty handed."

"Aw, that's so sad," said Adelia, inserting her hand into Zac's backpack and taking out a pair of pink panties. "What are these?"

"No! That's private!" shouted Zac, trying to take it back, but it was too late.

"What's this, Zac?" asked Adelia. "What's this doing in your bag?"

Zac blushed, his extremely pale face turning as red as a tomato.

"What are you? Gay?" asked Gozi, somewhat startled.

"Yeah," Zac answered, Gozi squealed happily and Adelia sighed distastefully.

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