Zac III: Calm Before the Storm

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Things had been rather peaceful since their last mission. Well, as peaceful as a zombie apocalypse that had infected the world could possibly be anyway. There hadn't been any attacks on the castle, at least. Though that made Zac feel even more uneasy. It was almost as if they were watching, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Since he was rescued he was relegated to patrol duty. He almost wished he could be of more use and fight alongside the heroes, but at this point he felt that he was just lucky that he had lived this long.

He wouldn't even be alive today if it wasn't for him. His knight in shining armor...his mind always went back to that one moment when his life was saved. Damn it...why can't I stop thinking about Jasper?

He had known for a long time that he was gay, that was certain. He's been with guys before but, well...let's just say there wasn't much talking involved. Never before had he felt this close to someone. Did he dare say that it

Ugh, this is like some cheesy romance novel, I hate this, Zac thought to himself, ignoring the fact that he himself enjoyed them as well.

Even though he was supposed to be patrolling, concentrating was never his area of expertise. All he could do was imagine the two of them together, holding hands and being all romantic together. He got all giddy as he imagined the two fateful words being said that would change everything: "I love you."

Adelia and Gozi watched him from afar, the two also being on patrol duty.

"Awww, he really is in love!" said Adelia, giggling a little.

"Nah, he's probably just horny."

"Who do you think it is?"

"We should ask him," Gozi suggested, excited to see his reaction.

Zac didn't even notice as the two were approaching him, he merely continued indulging in his fantasies about Jasper. All he could think about were those gorgeous eyes, that smooth skin, that beautiful dark hair of his...

"Hey Zac!"

"AHHH! I mean...uh, h-hey," he stammered, blushing a deep shade of red in embarrassment as he was cornered by the two girls.

"What's wrong? You seem...distracted," said Adelia with a slight smirk on her face.

"Distracted? M-Me? Why would you say that?"

"Oh no reason. Is something, or someone on your mind?"

"W-Why would you say that?"

"Well people don't usually get distracted when they're looking out for zombies, that's for sure," said Gozi matter-of-factly.

It was then that Zac realized the absurdity of his own actions. Why am I focusing on such trivial things when I have much bigger priorities?


"There's only one explanation! You must be in love, right? Tell us who it is!!" Adelia demanded, getting excited.


"Is it Yara? Anatoli? Jasper?"

Zac couldn't help but blush a little as that third name was mentioned, which immediately gave him away.

"Ahhhh it's Jasper isn't it?!"


Adelia couldn't help but be excited as this was unfolding.

"I KNEW IT!! What are you gonna say to him?"

"I-I can't tell him anything!"

"How do you know that? He might like you back."

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