Jasper V: The Shadow have Eyes

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Under the fluttering banners, Jasper waited for Zac to come close to him. The watery light of the fading sun filtered by the sea of mist melded him into the shadows, making him nearly invisible to but the best eyes.

Waiting silently, Jasper observed the movement of each and every guard, seeing their silhouettes and calculating, as still as a statue. Guards patrolled to and fro, their untrained eyes nearly missing him.

Zac walked towards him, not knowing he was there. Jasper was cautious not to scare him, making ample sounds with his breath and boots. Zac took wind of him, turning back to look at him. Half his face in daylight and the other half in shadow, he gleamed like a duality.

Jasper for a moment was rendered speechless, Zac's milk-white skin a gradient of orange and blue, his light brown curls two bushes of fire and frost, his eyes gleaming like blue stars.

Jasper stared him down, observing his beautiful face with a warm feeling in his heart, appearing almost ominous to the poor boy. "Uh, my lord," Zac knelt before him.

"Rise," said Jasper, "you need not kneel before me, I am but an equal to you, we all are."

Zac did not rise; he was too stunned to move. Jasper lowered and touched his chin with his nimble fingers, raising his head up and then gently lifting him from the stone. Zac kept peering at him like a little puppy, a wondrous smile playing across Jasper's face.

Jasper rubbed the dirt off Zac's shoulders, "I hope you didn't mind what I said today."

"No," he said ever so softly, "you're right, sir. I need to get better. I need to be useful."

"You already are, you saved my life once," Jasper smiled, "anyway, you're relieved from duty. Come follow me, let us walk." He said and started walking. "So how do you like it here? Cosy enough for you, at least a bit more than the forests you've been camping in for so long?"

"Mhm," nodded Zac very slow, "um... forgive me, sir, but I... eh-"

"Yeah?" asked Jasper, "do you want to do something from me?"

Zac stuttered, uttering nothing but gibberish the next few moments. Jasper laughed, somehow reading his mind out of all of that.

"You want to know more about me?" asked Jasper.

"Yeah," spoke Zac, "only if you don't mind, please."

Jasper laughed and wrapped his arms around Zac, "don't be formal with me, I'm your friend (and can be more)."

The very thought of that made Zac shudder, he could very well imagine Jasper and him being. The look he gave was the same as a crusher gives his crush, Jasper could sense it. Either that, or Zac was just too shy and Jasper looked awkward flirting like that. Gods, I hope it's not the latter, thought Jasper.

"Um..." Zac tried to speak it out but something inside him held his tongue.

"Don't worry, I'm patient, take your time," said Jasper, removing his gloves.


"Ambush!" a guard screeched at a distance, and it was followed by loud wails all around. Jasper was alerted; he slipped his shotgun out of his backpack and clutched it in his hands. "Zac," he said, "stay behind me, I'm gonna go blow some heads... eh, never mind, that came out wrong."

Classical Jasper – making puns and jokes even at the darkest moments.

Jasper stood in front and Zac behind him, sticking almost upon his shoulders. At a distance the trees moved in a gale, rustling like living things as the swift spring breeze sailed across the sullen steppes like a herd of hundred stallions.

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