Foreign Genes

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Haley's POV

I'm so glad that form class is over, I couldn't stand Mr Reilly going on and on about how we must do our best this year. I also can't stand the fact that they say that to us every year, I mean I think we get the point the first few years but after hearing it every year, I think it falls on deaf ears.

Entering the corridor after coming out from form class, I could hear the buzz of excitement despite it being a Monday morning. What was going on? No one is usually this happy on a Monday morning especially coming back from Winter break. I'm surprised that people who are hungover are not completely dead and are actually looking alive!

Ignoring most of them, I kept my head low trying to keep a low profile but no someone always notices me. Guess who it was? Some guy I never even seen before! This could only end badly. I quickly looked over the guy to notice that his features were definitely of someone who was born in a foreign country.

The slightly tanned skin compared to most people here, the darker coloured hair and the hazel coloured eyes that shone with brightness that also seem to be wary of people here. The guy was taller than most people here, must be his foreign genes.

I mean look at me, I'm stuck at a height of 5 feet!

Wait! Back to the guy who noticed me! The average looking girl, who has average grades...not like he knows that and the average parents, again not like he knows that either. Okay I better be quite now, with this much inner monologue, I must be going crazy.

"Um excuse me, could you help me? I'm new and don't know my way around the place and you seem nice enough." The guy's soft yet nervous voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Ah! Sure, can I ask what courses you are taking this year?" I ask him while I give a small smile hoping to come off as friendly despite the fact that I hate attention on me but also to hide the fact that I am currently wanting to hide in the corner of the room from all the single girls who are currently giving me glares for talking to the tall, foreign new boy.

Hey! Not like I asked him to talk to me!

"Oh! Of course, my bad, I'm taking Chemistry, Business Studies, Maths and Computing." He said as he named them off.

Hmm seems like he has a wide range of subjects...Wait those are the same subjects as me.

Just my luck!

The new guy does the same subjects as me, hopefully he won't have the same schedule as me. Oh, also does he not realise that he is making me late? It is bad enough that my teachers aren't exactly happy that I'm only getting average grades when they know I can do better.

"Okay! Can I see your schedule then so I can take you to your first class and then at break or lunch I can give you a proper tour around? Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds good! Just let me find my schedule." I watch as he sticks his hand in his pockets looking for the schedule. "Ah found it! Here."

He hands me his schedule and I can't but wonder on which person above did I manage to anger for them to give this guy the same schedule as me! Like I expected someone to have the same schedule as me in first year but not in the second last year of school.

"It seems that you are in all of classes, so best that you just follow me." I give back his schedule as I turn to leave for my class.

"Thanks!" He says and I turn back to see if he is following me. He smiles at me as thanks and darn those foreign genes are doing wonders for me.

Now he would be type if I were looking for a relationship but frankly I'm not. I mean why would you want a relationship where you are more than likely to get your heartbroken multiple times.

To the matter at hand, this couldn't get any worse could it? But wait it did! I now have even more attention on me due to this giant with foreign genes that is walking behind me!

I wonder if this is karma for getting average grades and not listening to the teachers when they say that I could do better. Certainly, seems like it!

By the time I got to class, I was already 20 minutes late. Oh well, not like I want to be here anyway.

"This is our class." I said, opening the door. The teacher, Miss Rivers, gave me a look that said explain why you are late. "Sorry, I'm late Miss. I had to help the new student get to his class since he didn't where he was going." Miss Rivers is generally a nice teacher that is until you get on her bad side then she turns into a completely different teacher.

"Ah I see you may sit down now. Oh, is this the new student? Mr Zach Myrid?" Damn even the last name sounds foreign. I think as I take my seat beside my assigned partner for the year. "Well since everyone has their seat then from Adam onwards can you move down one so that Mr Myrid can sit beside Haley." Great, now the new handsome, totally me type, foreign guy is sitting next to me.

"Miss Rivers. What about my assigned partner that we had to work with for the rest of the year? Adam and I have done projects together that will go towards our controlled assessment." Hoping that I could get the new guy sitting away from me.

"Ah well it will still go towards your controlled assessment grade but it is not like there is a project you are currently working on now so come the next project Mr Myrid will be your partner." Shoot, my plan didn't work and now I'm stuck with the new guy beside me.

"So, Haley, right?" A voice broke me out from my thoughts.

"Uh yeah. Your name is Zach, I guess?" Unsure why he was talking to me while we were in class.

"Yeah, can you please pass me your notes so I can catch up on everything from when school started." He asked politely and the way he said would make me so guilty if I didn't say yes.

"Sure, just make sure to give them back when you're done with them." This is going to be one long class...

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