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Chatter around the restaurant echoes softly. He could see a few people in The Paper Lantern tonight. Few stars make themselves known in a pink and orange sky. Ending the perfect backdrop, for his fourth chapter.

His thick black hair blew in a faint breeze. Eyes of dark brown flicker from one page, to the other.

"I heard he's just like his mother..." He flinched inward, recognizing that hushed voice all too well. The woman with blond hair past her shoulders and green eyes, was a 'rival' of his mothers. People assume high-school mentality leaves at adult age, but it really does not.

"You mean he has-?"

"Without a doubt. It's a curse in their family, I think. The reason he lost his father."

It took all he had to not lash out. He closed his eyes. Hands clenched and un-clenched. His heightened hearing inherited from his father tended to be more problematic than helpful. His kryptonite. The tiniest of sound could bother his ears. Or the loudest, could make them bleed.

A bulb from overhead burst. Dorian's hands trembled, within his pockets. His chest rose and fell with each gasp emitted, from shocked customers. "Shoot," he cursed ever low to himself.

"Are you alright, Mr. Talbot?" he looked to find the waitress, Miss. Lee knelt to his level. A pretty waitress whom spoke broken, English. She was like an aunt in some ways, that he never had.

"I'm...I'm fine. I'm fine, Miss. Lee, yes."

"Don't mind about the bulb, cheap anyway. Wanted to have new one, would you like a fortune cookie?"

"I really should be heading home-."

She was insistent he take one. A soft smile formed, over his face as he accepts it. Unrolling its paper tucked inside, he could see the fine print.

People receive what will come, to them

Confused at first, he looked at once towards his left to find Nancy Hinshaw and her two friends shriek as water is suddenly poured from their glasses and onto their clothes. A small bit of laughter escaped his lips, when Miss. Lee winked his way. 

A/N: Yet another taken from my AO3 account. I hope you enjoy it on here! Sky High is very dear to my heart, I couldn't resist after finding my DVD while cleaning up the house. 

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