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It became a habit for Will to spend more time with his girlfriend. He had debated on if he should attend the party Will had thrown. A shock considering, he lacked, as much social grace as Dorian did. Somehow or another he ended up on The Stronghold's doorstep. It's there he found Layla, hands in her jacket pockets. Looking as though she bare even knew, the house anymore.

The door would not budge at first. So many students scattered this way and that. He had an instinctive notion, Will knew no one here.

Music blared in his ears, from every corner. He avoided eye contact, when Lash and Speed looked his way.


He lost sight of Layla, when he heard Gwen's voice. Her eyes shown with excitement, but he could see another. A soft thanks was muttered, when she offered him a drink unaware of the hand stretched out to slip something inside.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're here," she gushed. "I think Will could really use someone like you now. He hasn't been his usual self."

"Actually, I was looking for him. And avoiding you."

Her face fell. "I don't know what you mean..."

"I'm not stupid, Gwen. Layla isn't stupid. You want everyone to believe, you're this nice, sweet 'Miss. Innocent' but when someone sees through your deception, you become someone else."

"Dorian, I'm appalled you think of me that way." She blinked her eyes. A sniffle escaped. "Here I am, trying so hard to please..."

"Tell Will, I hope he has a very happy life with you. And I'm sorry he can't see it."

The tears stopped. Rage replaced any innocence she tried to portray. "You're making a big mistake, Dorian. NOBODY crosses me."

"Well, looks like I just did."

He did not drink what she wanted him to. It was all a ploy to embarrass him, like how she had those two goons attack him in that alley. Lash and Speed were in on it. They watched his every move.

Out in the streets, Dorian's heart softened at once to see Layla drying wet eyes on a curb. He always hated to see anyone cry. She did not hesitate in laying her head on his shoulder, nor did he pull away.

"Thanks, Dorian."

"Any time sis...now. How about a monster movie night?" A faint smile crossed her face. She took out her phone and dialed their friend's numbers. She seemed to be fine after that, when he invited Zach, Ethan and Magenta over. Ava took a liking to them as he hoped she would. A rather mean prank had been pulled on Zach and Ethan however, when she made herself invisible and pretended to be a spirit.

Throughout the week, Dorian most spent time with Warren. He did not seem to care, of the fact people stared when he sat with him at lunch.

Breaking news flashed below the screen on the news. The Commander and Jetstream, The Maiden vs Royal Pain at abandoned warehouse! Ethan adjusted his glasses. "Royal Pain?"

"I thought that whack-job was defeated, by your mom and Will's parents." Magenta remarked.

"Guess not...huh. Well, he shouldn't' be an issue with them all fighting at once." Dorian had hope, in that. "Zach, turn it up will you?"

Once he had they all leaned in close. It looked something of an action movie. Pride swelled in his face, when his mother lifted a beam off of herself, though battered she was not beaten. Her blue cape blew gracefully, in the breeze. She lifted her left arm, placed her right wrist over it and fired a psychic blast towards Royal Pain.

"Look at THAT folks, The Maiden has not lost her touch once in her years of retirement! It feels like old times I tell ya, watching these power houses in action!"

"That's our mama." Ava said with pride. "Ouch. Right where the sun don't shine, by Will's dad."

A sudden explosion caused them all to jump. Layla covered her mouth. Ethan buried his face in his hands. Dorian clutched onto Ava's arm, as The Commander led everyone Royal Pain trapped inside out...but Amethyst runs back, into the inferno.

Ten minutes until collapse. Ten minutes of hell.

Ava closed her eyes, muttering 'Don't take our mom, to'.




She may not be like The Commander, but his mother was still strong in her own way. She'll make it. Yeah. She's always late



He found he could breathe once more, when his mother was not burned to a crisp after all. She's held up by Jetstream with a baby tucked in her arms. Ava rests her head, against the coffee table. Tears of relief leaked now and then.


Warren stared blankly up at his ceiling. Every so often his eyes shift from his phone, to the alarm clock on his nightstand and back to his phone.

D- Hey, you saw the news I assume?

W-Yeah, your mom's fine...I hope?

D-I'll pretend not to hear, the hesitance in that. And RP's dead. Again. She's not back yet, but she let me know she's fine...how was work?

W- Boring as shit. Hey, don't come there at like...ten okay? The customers can be shady and dirty

D- Aw. I appreciate your concern, I'm used to creeps. I know how to handle 'em. Just flicker the lights and people start...oh. It's Will.

His lips curled. He knew of their fight and was far from pleased, that Will treated him like he was nothing. At least, in Warren's eyes it was like that.

Dorian was quick to text back. He explained he did not, wish to settle it via text but in person. Unsure how to end their conversation, Dorian replied with a simple 'I'll see you tomorrow night'.

He grinned. In a way a Peace could and replied.

To think that this was the same Freshman, he beat up on his first day of school. The reality of their relationship coming to a bloom, caused a shake of his head. "...What HAVE you done to me, Talbot?" he whispered.

Like A Flame {Warren Peace}Where stories live. Discover now