Part 7

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After I got changed and tidied myself, I check myself in the mirror before getting out of the house. I was eager to go back to the hospital to meet Sehun. According to the doctor, even though Sehun lost a fragment of his memories, it was a miracle that he was able to sense the things that he forgotten. I opened the door carefully and slid into his room silently. I gaze longingly at his peaceful sleeping face. I missed his mischief and his taunts. I caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Remember me soon my dear." I sat down beside him and held his hand in mine.

It really hurts to see him lying here. All because I refused to listen to whatever that he wanted to say to me on that day. Those words that might be able to change his fate if only I just accepted it. Only after what has happened than I realized that. I too, love him with all my might, all my fibre and all my being.

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