Part 8

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I opened my eyes again and saw a familiar figure near my bed. I smiled to myself when I heard his soft breathing. He must be sleeping again. There was a tug in my heart when I realised that I couldn't see his face. He must have been exhausted. How long had he been here? How long have I been here? And what was my relationship with him? I reached out to caress his hair but my head stared to hurt and my vision started to blur.

"Help." I winced silently.

"Sehun?" The person on my bed jolted awake. "Are you alright sweetheart?"

"It hurts." I clutched my head.

"Don't think too much." He placed his hands over mine. "Slowly clear your mind."

After awhile, the I relaxed and tried to inhale deeply.

"Are you better now?" He helped me sit up.

"Yes. Thank you." I nod.

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