Q&A (Closed)

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Before we going on to the story, like I said before I will answer your questions from previous chapter. All of the questions and replies were for me so here we go!

Q: Even if it was a short update I love it hehe (from @Pabboppa)

A: Aweee, this is so lovely and the fact that you're always being the first liker each update, I- I really am glad you enjoyed even the short update as much as I had fun in writing it! Ps. Almost all of my chapter is short to read, I guess? I don't want it to be so time-consuming so LOL

Q: seriously i cant wait for ur next update lol (from @aejuhn)

A: I myself too can't wait to write more, the ideas are still scattering and on progress as I am writing this answer.

Q: chaewon is yena's ex??? (From @ChaeGoblin)

A: She is Yena's past lover, but there is more to it and you will find it out within the story. So keep reading!

Q: Omg I'm so curious what kind of relationship did they or do they still have ALSO I bet chaewon is strong af- I actually don't know who would be stronger here (from @the_mechamika)

A: Wow all these questions! Assuming this is regarding Yena and Chaewon, their relationship was lover as I mentioned in previous answer. Do they still have the relationship? No, it's all in the past but there are things they need to settle down apparently. Your bet of Chaewon being really strong is right. If we were to compare who is stronger, they're quite close in terms of power but Chaewon is stronger in other ways than Yena. I'm not going to elaborate how so find it throughout the story later on. ;)

Q: Author, will 2kim happen? (from @DubusEyebrows)

A: Sadly I have to answer this one with unlikely, I'm sorry if this is your ship. :( My other oneshot book, Frozen Hourglass, have 2kim crumbs though so feel free if you want to check it out!

Honestly I didn't expect that all of the questions would be for me only so let's have a characters Q&A!

By this I mean you can ask question for Yena, Yuri, Chaewon, and the other ones in the story. It will be like you're talking to them directly, sounds fun doesn't it? I will not limit how many you can ask for the characters so you all may now think of the questions for them!

Here are the list so please drop comment on their name with any question you like to ask or curious of!








Chaeyeon (prof. Lee)




Okay, I will wait for you all to send the questions first and leave this chapter open for a while before closing and answering this Q&A later.

Edit: This Q&A section has officially closed as I published the answers already. Until next time!

Sorry that this is not a story update when things gets more interesting, but I assure you the story is proceeding to be updated later so see you all soon!

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