4. Shoulders to Lean On

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"So you're telling me we can get drunk?" Liam repeated for the umpteenth time, writhing on the couch to watch Theo sitting next to him, while Mason and Corey were sat on the other.

Theo rolled his eyes. "You can get drunk, Liam, if you've got wolfbane in your system," he repeated slowly.

"I thought it was poisonous?" Mason asked suspiciously.

"It is, it inhibits healing abilities, so the body can no longer process the alcohol" Theo explained, settling himself against the sofa. "Corey and I do not need it. Our healing abilities are already halved compared to a true werewolf 's ones"

"So can I get drunk?" Liam asked again, probably for the twentieth time

Theo looked at him cross-eyed. "I'm afraid to see what a poisoned alcohol can do to your already seemingly limited brain" he sighed.

"Asshole" Liam grabbed the pillow next to him, pulling it on his face, causing an amused giggle in Theo and the other two.

"Liam does not have a limited brain," Mason said. Well done Mason, defend my honour, Liam thought with a touch of pride "He can only process info by piece"

"Mason" Okay, Liam had officially decided to look for a new best friend.

Mason laughed "Come on, that's why you spotted everything to Scott about that thing"

Liam blushed, and Theo looked between the two, now stunned. "Does Mason know that too?" He hissed.

"Corey knows that too," Mason muttered, nodding. "And Scott, and Stiles. And Stiles told it to Lydia, who told it to Malia, who now wants to kill you, again"

"Great" Theo exclaimed bewildered. "What part of 'do not talk about it anymore' in the deal you didn't understand?"

"Probably the 'do not talk about it anymore' part" Corey answered for him chuckling.

"It's not my fault, Scott had already practically put our back on the wall," Liam protested, even more red.

"No instead" Theo widened his eyes. "It's just what your only left brain cell had assumed" Liam growled.

At the time his mother appeared in the doorway of the living room and looked at them, dwelling on Mason. "Why is Liam trying to stifle Theo with a pillow?"

Mason shook his head "Don't worry, it's just their repressed sexual tension"


"We could have knocked" Liam informed him as they entered the veterinary clinic, after Theo had forced the door with a claw.

"Useless, really!, he's never here. I wonder how he makes a living if this place is always deserted" Theo said, as he rummaged rapidly through the vials and bottles on the shelf.

"You've got a point" Liam shrugged. "But if he comes in here, know that I will blame all on you"

"It's good to know that you're got my back" Theo rolled his eyes, finally grabbing the bottle containing the mountain ash. "Here it is!" He exclaimed, turning to Liam to show him.

"Well, let's go away now, please?"

Theo nodded, making his way to the exit and opening the door only to find Deaton in front of them. The three remained motionless for a good ten seconds, then Deaton sighed. "Do I want to know?

"Probably yes" Liam mumbled

"Will you tell me?"

"Probably not" Theo said.

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