Custodians (Possibly part 1)

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The question is one of the main things me and my friends talk about at lunch. Mainly because the counselors for my grade are always like 'Make sure the cafeteria is clean before you leave!'.(Even though the tables are dirty before we come into the cafeteria and we're the first ones to go in there) So why are we supposed to clean the goddamned cafeteria when the cafeteria wasn't clean for us?

Also, the custodians act like they're hired to sit around and empty the trash cans at the end of the day instead of ACTUALLY doing what they were hired to do. Which is cleaning the cafeteria. Surprise! You didn't get hired to do nothing!

Like, they could honestly do nothing, and they'd still get paid for a month or something before they'd get fired because they aren't doing a single thing other than acting dead. And honestly, I feel bad for them because they have to come to school at 5:00 a.m. or something, and then they leave at 5:30 a.m. which is an unnecessarily long time to 'clean the cafeteria'.

But the real question is what do they do in their free time? Because over 12 hours? That's a hella long time for them to do anything. And I mean ANYTHING. And the custodians sure as hell aren't cleaning the cafeteria because it's always as dirty as the bottom of my desk in 5th period. And trust me when I say that it's 100% not clean.

Anyways, yeah. Custodians are meaningless because they don't do anything.


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