Chapter Twenty

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Two and a half hours of driving later, and I finally made it to the falls. The one place that I go to that no one knows about. The place no one can hear me scream for miles. The place I can cry in peace and the place I can scream. This is my place.

Usually at this point, I would be crying, or screaming at no one or nothing in particular. But now, all I want to do is just sit here and watch the beautiful scenery in front of me. I sit and watch the waterfalls, and feel the breeze from the water hitting my skin.

What do I do to deserve this. I am an uninteresting person, I never bother anyone, I don't do anything so why do they pick on me? Is this how my life is supposed to be? I've never done anything to them. I'm not a bad person. I just wish there was something I could do to not be like this. So I can be the upper hand, and not feel so worthless. I need a transformation.

I sat at the falls for hours. Just letting everything go. Not wanting to go home to face my family. I just want to be in Dallas's arms right now. To feel protected and to feel like I'm meant to be something. I just need some comfort right now, I'm tired of being alone in this world. I've been alone for so long and I'm tired of it.

After a little longer I got up and left. I looked in the trunk of my car and find my car shoes. I always keep a pair of shoes in the car. I have my black wedges, those will work. I get in the driver side and drive back home, stopping at my favorite café.

The elderly man Harold, who has been like a grandfather to me, works here and smiles at me as brings me my usual at my usual booth and sits across from me. Harold is an old man, in his middle sixties, gray hair with his brown hair fading out slowly, he has glasses and his is very small and a little chubby. He is the sweetest thing known to man.

"Hello sweetheart." He smiles.

"Hi Harold." I smile back.

"What's going on dear? Your mother, father, boyfriend Dallas and another young girl named Miranda or something like that, have been running in here every hour looking for you." he says.

I take a drink of my coffee and take in a deep breath.

"Well, my brother has a new girlfriend." I say.

"Well that should be a good thing right?" Harold asks with an unsure smile.

"It would be, if it wasn't Cyndi." I say.

"Oh what did that knucklehead do that for?" he asks with a chuckle trying to lighten me up.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him. I got mad at her and I grabbed her by her hair and kept yelling at her and yanking her hair and when I was yelling at her, I may have yelled out all the things she's done to me over the years. Well almost everything." I say.

"Did you hit her?" he asks.

"No." I say taking another drink of my coffee.

"Damn. You should have!" he said.

I laughed.

"Show her whose boss. Knock her around a few times. She'll leave you alone." he laughs lifting his fists up and throwing punches in the air.

I laugh with him. Harold always knows how to cheer me up.

"So where have you been?" he asks.

"I took a drive. Just to get away, to clear my mind." I say.

He grabs my hand. "That's always a good thing to do. But when things get hard you should go to someone, anyone you can talk to about the situation, someone you can cry to. Just don't go off alone." he says. "You don't want to be alone. And being alone with tons of emotions through your head isn't a smart thing to do."

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