Beginning Of The End

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"No!" I panicked as I try to twist the knob in every direction I could make of. 

When that didn't worked, I frantically tried to go through the small-sized hole with my hand and somehow unlock something on the other side but couldn't get through due to the size of my hand. 

I stopped and raised myself up and stared at the rusted doorknob in dismay,  thinking about every stupid decision I made up until this point. 

Both of my eyes started to look to it's left while standing in my position in front of the door while imagining something or someone behind just waiting for me to turn around and kill me.

But I stopped and closed my eyes taking huge deep breathes, calming my rapid heart beat that's just pumping out of pure fright. 

My heart started beating fast and I could feel both of my palms being super moist by sweating so much, this is the most weirdest and terrifying moment I have ever experienced. Being alone in the dark with jail cells and plus with the door being closed. What happens if there's no exit out  and no one can't ever find me here?

I turn and inspect at one of the rusted dirty jail cell from my standing point and saw nothing inside but only a piece of old cardboard in the center. 

Jail cells in a mental asylums are just the first sign of anything horrendous that'll come to me. I don't know if i'm exaggerating but this feeling won't just go away.

I have been standing here for almost eight minutes I believe. I know I won't accomplish anything by just standing but then again who the fuck wants to go through the dark filled hallway with rows of jail cells right beside each side? And most importantly, why on earth are there rusted jail cells in this hospital? 

Time's running out I have to go to Cairo before the hospital closes, wait does this hospital close?

I held my phone above mid face length and turned on the flashlight. I illuminate every part of the hallway including some parts of the rusted jail cells.

As I began taking slow caution steps towards the hallway and at each step I carefully look around the jail cells while holding my phone upwards.

From what i'm seeing, there isn't anything terrifying as far as scattered torn apart cardboard inside.

I raise my pace while illuminating the jail cells I pass by each time. Nothing spooky or concerning happening other than the pitch black surroundings.

I change my flashlight from the jail cells to the center of the hallway but couldn't quiet tell what was afar. 

I keep going but everything looks the same as when I entered but I instantly fell back, dropping my phone in my hand when something from the ceiling dropped in front of me.

"Oh my.." I groaned out of pain from my elbows as I stand up. Terrified of what the hell just happened, I desperately try to look for my phone until I saw a glint of light, possibly my phone's flashlight facing downward on the floor. It was all the way in front of the hallway right next to the possible thing that fell from the ceiling. 

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