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A week has passed since I moved back home. Namjoon and Seokjin have been going crazy with all the wedding plans but it was nice seeing them so happy.

It was now Saturday afternoon and after a mental fight with myself I decided to go for a walk by the beach.

After wandering about in the warm sand I stumbled upon a pebble path.

"Why does this look so familiar?" I asked myself as I began to follow it.

Once I reached the end I ducked inside an opening to find myself in a cave.

"I feel like I've been here before."

I looked at the shining blue water rushing over the rocks and drew closer. I touched the water and instantly noticed how abnormally warm it was.

"That's odd."

I looked around and after awhile of quiet deliberation, I peeled off my pants and was left in my boxers and t-shirt.

"Here goes nothing."

I carefully stepped into the warm water, my body relaxing instantly as I began to swim around.

I dove deeper under the water but as I tried to swim up my leg got caught on a piece of sea grass.

I thrashed around trying to get my leg free as I was losing breath.

My body began to feel limp and I was losing hope of getting free.

The last thing I saw before my eyes drifted closed was blue hair.

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