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I soon found out that Jin is a merman as well. He fell in love with Namjoon and made the decision to live on land with his lover.

Yoongi has just locked himself in the bathroom refusing to open the door.

"Yoongi please open up!" Namjoon please knocking on the door once more.

"This can't be real! I'm dreaming!"
Yoongis voice came from behind the door.

"Joon... let me. Remember to cover your ears." Jin said gently directing him aside and standing in front of the door.

I was confused and Namjoon placed his hands over his ears and backed away.

What happen next amazed me...

Jin... began to sing.

His soft voice almost chanting the words "You're safe. It's okay. Come out. Trust me."

Jin wasn't any merman. He was a siren. My mother told me that sirens were unfortunately diminishing. One of the rarest enchanters.

The bathroom door opened and Yoongi came out slowly.

The second Jin stopped singing Yoongis body collapsed, Jin catching him as he falls.

"Is he okay?!" I yell out running to kneel down next to his body.

"He's in a relaxed state. When he wakes up he will be able to understand." Jin says standing up and Namjoon went to his side wrapping an arm around his waist.

"You're a siren?" I stand up grabbing Jins hands and looking at him amazed.

"Yes. I'm not proud of that title though." Jin said his face falling.

"Why?! That's amazing!"

"We were given a bad reputation. They said we enchant people for bad. Some did. But I- I don't want to be like them."

I squeezed Jins hands and pulled him into an embrace.

"But your highness? What are you doing on land? How did you get here?"

I smiled and told Jin how me and Yoongi met at a young age. How everyday I yearned to be closer to him. I explained how Yoongi doesn't seem to remember me and how we were in love. I told him about the sea star and it turns out Jin visited the same wizard.

Now we just have to wait for Yoongi to wake up.

We need to figure out why he doesn't remember.

And make sure he believes us.

Because I love him.

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