e i g h t

887 5 0

wes johnson x reader

(first time used)

you shook with anticpation and fear as you stared at yourself in the mirror.

it was currently 12:37 pm and you couldn't take it anymore.

it started off small. throwing up, weird cravings, weight gain. but the more you thought about it, the more you realized what was happening.

you looked at the clock. 12:42.

you took a deep breath as you grabbed the stick in front if you.

you flipped it over and read the word on the test.


you let out a sob. but no, not one of sadness or fear. a happy cry.

you reached for your phone and took a picture, immediately sending it to wes.

you waited and not even two minutes later you were receiving a call.

"baby!" you squealed.

"we did it?" he asked.

"we did it." you replied.

"oh my god. . . EVERYONE! I DID IT! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" he yelled to his coworkers.

i laughed and rubbed my belly.

we really did it.

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