new life new style

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Lunch time was here as the hallways started crowding up with opossums and other animals as well. Midnight struggled to get through the overfill of mammals and head in the line for lunch. She turned around to see they were having acorn soup with a side of parsley and elderberry juice. She grunted because she liked meat more but it had to do.

After she got her lunch she thought she could make friends with others on the stone tables. She spotted alucard sitting with 2 females sipping some of his soup. She sat beside him and the others and they went silent and stared. She greeted them with a hello and they said hi back. The rest of the time they didn’t look at midnight and didn’t talk. She sighed and put her head down. “Hey uh weasel girl.” An opossum whispered. She lifted her head up at the opossum speaking to her.

“Hi I’m Jasmine what’s yours?” Jasmine smiled. “I’m midnight and I swear I won’t kill you.” She replied chuckling. The whitish brown opossum beside Jasmine sniggered and alucard was quietly eating the parsley. “Oh don’t worry I know you won’t.” Jasmine winked. “Hi there I’m a Ricotta.” The female smiled. “And I’m sure my little brother over here is not going to ignore you.” Ricotta grumbled throwing a piece of parsley at him. “Ricotta!” He hissed.

“Wanna hang out at the castle sometime.” Jasmine offered. Ricotta and Alucard immediately turned to midnight for an answer. “I could if I was allowed to…”Midnight hung her head. “Why?” Ricotta asked. She swigged some of her elderberry and held it in her mouth for a moment. Jasmine gave her an confused expression. Midnight swallowed and spoke. “Cause I’m a weasel and opossum and weasels aren’t good friends.” “Oh pfft they let you in this school huh?” Ricotta replied.

Jasmine shook her head in agreement. “Well maybe I could come.” Midnight licked a bit of acorn soup off her black pelt and watched them get up. “Alright we must go to class now see you guys later!” Jasmine smiled. Ricotta and alucard said the same thing and left as well. Midnight was happy she made friends with opossums this was her one step closer to being the friendly weasel of them all.

Next class was cooking. This class had female opossums since their job is cooking in the family. Midnight yawned as the teacher named sage was explaining how to bake oatmeal pancakes from the oven. Beside her was a dark gray squirrel that slumped in front of her boredly. “Psst you bored too?” Midnight whispered. The squirrel turned to the weasel and whispered back “indeed I cannot believe my mom thought it was a good idea to bring me into a school of opossums.” “Same I’m Midnight by the way.” Midnight murmured. “I’m Blythe.” She replied

Everyone was given a bowl later in class to start doing the work. Midnight liked the smell of the oats and honey mixed together. She licked some off her paws as she put the circular pancakes in the oven. She watched Blythe draw in a notebook. She sketched what looked like a group of squirrels smiling. “What are you drawing.” Midnight asked her. “My family.” Blythe sighed. “The scurry of the west was raided and my parents were trying to protect me but.” “Is there something burning?”  Midnight interrupted. Blythe slowly turned to her ovens and saw the pancakes about to explode.

Zorilla book 4: bloodbathWhere stories live. Discover now