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After school was out,Midnight ran out into the woods to meet up with her mother near a ancient
boulder. She waited silently and anxiously for her parent to arrive there. Then soon appearing
from the trees Galora materialized. Her pink collar encrusted with blue crystals shimmered as
she padded close to her daughter. “How was school.” Galora snickered. “Oh I love it the classes
were boring but I met so many friends!” Replied Midnight with a bright smile. Galora nodded
then nudged her kid. “I’m glad you like it but there are rules when getting friends.”
“Huh?” Midnight wondered. “First rule is no invites to our home understand?” Midnight frowned
“can I go to their house?” Galora hesitated for a moment then grumbled. “I guess so.” Midnight
cheered then ran in circles around the rock. Galora signaled her to come in the hole by a tree.
She nodded and followed her mother inside.
Tilly padded through an ally and sat down beside a dumpster silently. Her eye burned with
anger as she looked at herself in a small puddle. “My name will not be Tilly no more.” She
growled. “Call me Primrose the slayer.” An image of the female opossum she ripped from the
wall. She stamped her paw down on the creature laughing maniacally.
Midnight ran to the fire kingdom to meet up with her friends. But before she went in she saw a
group of opossums standing at the crack entrance. She tried to avoid them but they stood in
front of her snarling. “Looky here we now have a weasel walking into fire kingdom huh?” The
leader snarled. Midnight gulped and tried to be tough. “Yeah so what?” “It’s trying to be tough as
well.” One of he opossums sniggered. Midnight growled then suddenly Ricotta appeared from
behind them.
The opossums recoiled from behind her as she growled. “Go away and leave this weasel
alone.” They hesitated then she yelled. “NOW!” The opossums ran away quickly in fear.
Midnight watched them run away then snickered at Ricotta. “Well that was…” “Scary I know they
don’t call me big bad Ricotta for nothing.” She chortled in delight. Midnight laughed then moved
her tail to the door.” Oh yeah let’s go.” Ricotta and Midnight both ran inside the door on their
way to fire kingdom.
Before they could go in they saw guards peering closely to them on a hospital bed. They both
jumped down and observed the two. “Ricotta what are you bringing now.” One of them groaned.
“Hey Frenzy you big lump of fur what’s up!” Ricotta said ignoring the question. Frenzy just
stared in confusion and the other opossum rolled his eyes. “Can you please tell me why you are
bringing a weasel in here.” “And Aloe you also are looking good too what did you get a new
haircut?” Aloe facepalmed and walked away. Frenzy was confused and watched Midnight and
Ricotta walk inside.
“Well that was easy.” Ricotta grumbled. “They’re a bunch of idiots anyways.”Midnight looked
around at the staring opossums who shushed each and didn’t say a word. Ricotta and Midnight
made it to the castle door and paused before going in. “Watch this Jasmine is just gonna be standing there waiting for us.” Ricotta tittered. She pushed the door open and saw melody and
Jasmine standing there grinning brightly. “I called it!” Melody said with her harmonical voice.
Jasmine sighed in defeat and nudged her playfully.

Zorilla book 4: bloodbathWhere stories live. Discover now