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At lunch when they had to use an alternative way to go to the cafeteria. Ricotta,Jasmine,and
alucard sat there not making a sound. Alucard was sniffling trying to hold back tears. “Uh what’s
the problem.” Jasmine turned to Alucard. Alucard shook his head and stared at his food.
Midnight rubbed his back in comfort. “We best not talk about it its too sad.” Ricotta sighed and
started sniffling. “What’s going on!” Jasmine growled slamming her fist on the table.” Alucard
suddenly started bawling like a child. “SHE’S DEAD JASMINE MELODY IS DEAD!” Everyone in
the cafeteria turned to Alucard.
Jasmine looked at Alucard in horror and strife. “No she can’t be.” “She is gone jasmine I’m sorry
I was there.” Midnight put a paw by her. Jasmine started sniveling of disbelief. The whole table
of friends were crying and so they were sent home automatically. Galora watched her daughter
turned at the wall blubbering loudly. “What is your problem?” Galora hissed. “My friend she died
unfortunately at school.” She sniffled
“How did she die?” “By a falling light. Galora sighed and shook her head in doubt. “Impossible
glass lights wouldn’t kill someone like that trust me it’s happened to me on accident.” She
showed a bunch of scratches with pink skin exposed on her back to her left arm paw. Beautiful
white fur all withered away. “So it wasn’t an accident?” “More like a murder perhaps.” Midnight
gasped who would ever want to murder someone like Melody. “But who.?” She wondered.
Galora shrugged and poured water in a cup with her hand. “All I know is you better help figure it
out.” Midnight stuck her head out of the little hole to see the glistening black sky with twinkling
stars. The summer wind blew against her face as she felt determined to find Melody’s murderer.
Primrose felt victorious after slamming down a light on Melody’s head. She was outside of the
grass kingdom doors waiting for an answer from king wasp. Weevil opened the door to let her
know the answer. “He said yes.” Weevil murmured. Primrose snickered and cheered in success
“Thank you I’ll meet up with him tomorrow but first I have business to attend to.” Primrose
replied and dashed away.
Primrose entered into a tree of napping squirrels and it’s pups. One squirrel caught her eye and
she slipped inside the home. She picked up a dagger from a drawer and smiled. “Good night
little pup.” She whispered in this ear and she jabbed it right in the throat leaving a deep blood
gushing gash in their throat. It yowled loudly enough for the parents to awake once they saw
they looked in terror. Their child had been slaughtered.
The next day at school Midnight looked at opossums whispering and gossiping at each other
quietly. She gulped and saw her same group of friends this time Blythe was with them sobbing.
“What’s wrong Blythe?” Midnight said walking up to them. Blythe ran to Midnight immediately
and hugged her in pain. “My brother was killed last night.” Midnight suddenly remembered
Melody’s murder theory and shouted out. “Guys I think Melody was murdered!”Her friends
turned to her and gasped. “How so?” Ricotta asked.“My mom said falling lights wound give you only scratches and she had it once happen to her if
it fell it must of been forced to fall it looked completely stable at first.” Midnight explained.
Everyone paused and alucard pointed out. “I believe you!” “Me too.” Everyone replied. “It might
of been the same person who murdered my brother!” Blythe said. “Maybe but right now we are
in need of clues.” Said jasmine running to where the crime took place. Soon Sam stomped up to
them sniggering.
“What are you losers doing?” “Nothing go away Sam.” Jasmine nudged him away. “Cutting class
without me sis how could you!” He joked. “We are doing something important.” Jasmine
groaned. “Are you guys being detectives?” Sam gasped in sarcasm. “Just go away Sam.”
Ricotta rolled her eyes. “We must go up there guys.” Midnight pointed to the whole in roof where
the light fell. “Why would a random light be in the roof like that?” Ricotta snorted. “Or someone
put it there.”

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