Chapter 22: Griers

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Don't worry I've kept you comments in my mind from the last chapter. I already have the ending planned out 😏 <~ see that? If you guess the ending correctly I will love you because you'll know why. I'll try to leave hints and feel free to comment. I'd like to hear what you guys think 💕 Thank you guys for reading! ~Sam

Nash Grier

I know what you're thinking. What about Shawn? Honestly I feel somewhat guilty. He knew I liked her a lot too though. Ever since I hit her with the bathroom door at the mall I had feelings for her. I still feel bad but at the same time I can't ignore my feelings. She's happy and I'm happy so why not be together? This was what she wanted too. I didn't know this was all going to happen in the time being of me taking her to get ice cream but I'm glad I took her.

I held her hand as I drove back to the house. We listened to some music in silence. I would take a glance at her once in awhile and see that she had the warmest smile I've seen since the incident. I pulled up into the driveway and I turned the engine off. I looked over at Claire again to see her already looking at me.

"You ready to tell them?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"I'm ready when you're ready." A smile came across my face as I leaned over to kiss her cheek. We both took off our seat belts and got out of the car.

I came around the car and she intertwined our hands together. We started walking towards the front of the door and I opened it walking in to smelling the barbecue from the back yard. I looked down at her and smiled. I started heading towards the backyard where everyone was at.

We walked into outside and I saw it was Will, Cam and Hayes who were still out here. My parents and Skylynn must have gone to bed already. The first one to see us was Hayes.

"Claire!" he yelled as he got out of the water. Cam and Will did the same grabbing a towel to dry theirselves off. Cam made eye contact with me and I saw the smile on his face. The three of them came over to us and I felt Claire's grip tightened around my arm.

"Hey," Claire said shyly. Wow she is so adorable when she does this. Its been a few days since she's really talked to anyone. I looked down at her to see that her cheeks were a rosy pink.

"Something you guys would like to share with us?" Will asked with a stupid grin on his face. I couldn't even keep the smile off my face. The only one who was clueless was Hayes.

"Ohh Hayes," I laughed. He looked at me confused.

"What?" he asked completely confused. "And why is everyone smiling like idiots?" We all laughed. Even Claire was laughing.

"Well umm, Claire is my girlfriend."

"Congrats guys!" Will and Cam both said in unison. They both hugged Claire and she was hugging them back happily. I turn my back to see Hayes walking away. I untangle my arm from Claire's and told them I'd be right back.

What the hell is wrong with Hayes? Why would he walk off like that? I jogged after him towards our old tree house that we used to play in when we were younger. I climbed up the ladder and opened the door. I saw Hayes on his phone.

"Dude, What the hell is going on with you?" He looked up from his phone angrily.

"What's up with me?! Why did you ask her to be your girlfriend? You guys haven't even been on a full date!"

"Because she feels the same way and you know I like her too!"

"Nash! She's supposed to be with Shawn. Like they are the most perfect people for each other and you know that!"

"No Hayes! We agreed whoever she chose would get to be with her. You know she chose me, because Shawn did something stupid so why can't you just be happy for me?!" I yelled in his face.

"I ship Saire more," he mumbled before he brushed by my shoulder and left the tree house.

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