[How You First Met/Imagine]

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You and Steve met After being recruited to join the team for your Psionic Manipulation abilities,
[Ability to manipulate energy in most of its forms]
although normally being very reserved, Steve acts as sort of a mentor for you. Due to this, you and Steve eventually warm up to each other, becoming good friends.
Bucky and you had always been drawn to each other, from the moment you first spent the night in the tower, you two had connected. Your powers as an Empath
[someone who can feel/alter emotions]
Lead to a deeper connection, far beyond physical, since you could understand him like no one else could and he seemed to be one of the only people who made you feel your own genuine emotion and  tremendously calmed your powers down when they overwhelmed you. 
To put it shortly, from the moment you'd joined the team, Pietro had greeted you with his flirtatious mannerism and charming demeanor. Not to mention the accent. Although  it was obvious that  he probably swooned tons of girls, since he was such a Romeo, anyone could see that his feelings for you ran deeper than they did with the other girls he charmed.
You had a way of grounding him when he got too ahead of himself (which was often) and interesting his caring yet childish personality. There was a lot of hot energy and unspoken passion between you to.
Mr.Stark was the one who recruited you to join the team, and for that you were ever thankful. For some reason you enjoyed when Tony's often cocky/arrogant side would come out. Even though you were still annoyed by it, you handled it better than most people. Mr.Stark seemed like a pretty cool person to hang out with, and you and him were good friends.
You were an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, joined the avengers tower as a sort of, guard for when they were away, but you quickly became very close with the team.
You'd realized that Thor had been harboring a sort of secret little crush on you, which wasn't so secret anymore after many of the team members teased him about it in your presence. Needless to say you were definitely the object of the Asgardian Princes's affection.
Nat had and interesting way about herself. You met her as soon as you joined the team and undoubtedly became close with her due to the fact that you both had a troubled past. Something you could relate on. She took you under her wing and kind of shared the run down of the tower with you. What to do and not to do, even teaching you better fighting tactics. You two were good friends
You and Wanda had become close as soon as you joined the tower, she was one of the few other girls on the team. And while her and Nat were good friends, having another girl to chat with when she felt like was nice.
Feelings undoubtedly began to develop between you two, you couldn't deny yourself that it was definitely more than a crush.

Sorry I couldn't do all of them, had to choose a few because I had limited time to write today, next I might try some fluff or a preference. Ideas for preferences are appreciated!!

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