Steve Rogers X Reader

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Hey y'all, I'm back at it again, delivering paragraphs. ;)

-Strong non-con themes
-Creep! Steve
-Explicit sexual material
Steve watched the new girl through the tall glass panels that separated the training/combat space from the lobby of the compound.

She was on the training side, rehearsing hand to hand combat with Natasha. Nat would reach out every now and again to correct the position of her arm or stance of her foot or something like that.
Ever since she'd been recruited from Ghana for her Y/S abilities and assigned an apprentice level role on the team, Steve had harbored a moderately inappropriate little crush on her.

Well, maybe not so little.

She was gorgeous and smart, and perfectly capable of being an independent and regular  little bad ass.
Which made it hard for Steve to fathom why he was so enthralled by her. Maybe it was was her cute pink little lips and the way they seemed to pout without trying. Or the wide Y/E/C eyes that twinkled and danced whenever he saw them.
He couldn't tell.

He watched in a trance as Natasha grabbed her wrist. Y/N reacted quickly, pulling Nats body into her own and coming as close as he'd ever seen anyone to almost tripping Natasha. (Which was difficult because of Natashas intense training)

Natasha regained her balance immediately and countered Y/N with her usual strength and speed, but not before Y/N gave her a delightfully triumphant smile.

She was so friendly towards nearly everyone. Maybe because she'd been accepted to the team on a whim or maybe because that's just how she was, it didn't matter. The way she jokingly taunt and made her peers laugh was cute.

There was only one problem.
She would tease him. She'd tease him a lot. Sometimes Steve couldn't tell if she was trying to turn him on or if it was just in her nature to be so threateningly seductive in such innocent ways.

He recalled back the time when a few of their teammates had been in the main loft late one night, and she sat on his lap. Not lap per say, but his thigh, only for a few seconds. Enough to make her giggle and him have to hide his erection. Needless to say he was sore after that night.

" and that was when..when... Steve, are you listening? Did you even hear to a word I said man?" Bucky's voice sliced through Steve's daydream, pulling him back into reality.

Buck was sitting in the arm chair next to his own.

"Ah god, sorry Buck. I've just been distracted lately." Steve apologized, realizing he'd tuned out nearly all of whatever Bucky was talking about.
Bucky harrumphed before following Steve's eyes. A devious little smirk spread over Bucky's features as he realized what was going on.
"Ohhhh I see why you've been distracted." He taunted.

"What're you talking about?... and why're you smirking like an idiot?" Steve scolded hoping his friend didn't know what he was talking about.

"It's Y/N? Definitely not Natasha.. well I mean.. not anymore. That's who you're staring at?"

"Of course not.."

"So it's definitely Y/N then?"


"Yeah, it's Y/N. And it's a little embarrassing and completely inappropriate for a 95 year old man to have a crush on someone who's less than a third of his age, so give it a rest?" Steve pleaded.
Bucky chuckled a little.
"Well I wouldn't call it inappropriate, I mean, she's definitely sight for sore eyes. With those cute little lips and nice ass.. and tits.. I mean, realistically there's probably not one man in the compound  who hasn't thought about doing some unholy things to her."

Marvel Avengers Imagine & Preference [Includes Smut] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now