Fire meets Wind [Pietro X Reader/Fluff]

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Everyone knew that oxygen was one of the three requirements for a fire to burn. It was a necessity, (along with fuel, and heat) in order to maintain a flame, and this proved to be true... far beyond the study of physics for some.

You were like a flame, spontaneous and hot, and Pietro was like your oxygen passionate and free.

It went undoubted that you were drawn to each other almost as soon as you'd met, the attraction was intense. The only problem was that between your spit-fire nature and his playboy attitude and a shared trait of stubbornness you two were too prideful to ever be the first one to openly admit to the another how you felt.

It was like some kind of weird unspoken code between you two. He'd flirt instantaneously or you'd tease deliberately.
You'd love to be around him and he always seemed to have the best time in your presence. Things like that and so forth, but neither of you ever admitted to the concrete feelings between you two.

But that was bound to change with time and patience.


It was a stormy night in Manhattan, rain pelted against the Avengers tower viciously and lightning would occasionally illuminate the angry black sky.

Despite the weather conditions, you, Pietro, Nat, Thor, Tony, Bucky and a few other members of the team were all enjoying each other's company in the main living room of the tower, beside a tall window that overlooked the city on this rainy night. So far it wasn't anything special, just the remainder of the team that was still awake sitting around having a few laughs.

You were propped up on one of the many couches that were neatly arranged, facing a few of the others as you all talked and laughed and joked.
Times like this were always cherished among the team, since it was a nice break from saving the world.
A gust of wind and a light thump beside you alerted you of another persons presence, turning to see that Pietro had joined you on the cramped sectional, sitting right down square beside you.

"Hello Piet, care to join us?" You greeted him with a kind smile, happy that he'd decided to partake in the fun with the rest of the team.
For some reason, things always seemed to get better when Pietro was around.
You could literally be forced to the most boring task you could think of, but if Pietro was there, it automatically became better, and you got the feeling that it was the same for him with you.

"You looked like you could use the company." He implied light-heartedly, probably because you had been sitting alone, unlike most of the others who were beside their friends.
He leaned into you a bit as another bolt of lightening lit the sky, followed by another loud boom of thunder.
He squeezed his knee with his hand while tapping his foot nervously, staring out of the window. It wasn't very noticeable but you could tell that he was distressed.
It was quite obvious that Pietro probably hadn't come out to keep you company, but instead himself. You knew that Pietro had suffered a fear of thunder and thunderstorms because of the resemblance to the sound of thunder to the sound of the bombs that had been set off and destroyed his home and family.
He'd gotten over the phobia for the most part, but he still didn't like to be alone when they happened. You weren't sure if he knew that you'd figured this out (since Wanda told you), but you wanted to comfort him somehow.
So you gently coaxed his hand away from his knee, holding his hand in your lap. You looked forward, deciding not to acknowledge it so as to avoid any awkward implications, but you could see Pietro's thankful gaze directed towards you in your peripheral vision as you rejoined the conversation between the other avengers. You thought it was cute and enjoyed holding his hand very much.

Pietro had calmed down with your help, and Thor and T'Challa were arguing over thunder now, keeping the rest of the team very amused.

"So you are telling me, that the God of Thunder can't stop a thunder storm that wasn't caused by him?" T'Challa said amused.

"Well, Yes but No. You see I didn't cause the storm, and I can't stop what I didn't begin-

"Then why do they call you 'God of Thunder'?" The Wakandan king inquired.

"You'd better watch out T'Challa, I was a god back when they were still calling you Black Pampers!!"
Thor retorted with a playful yet mocking tone.

This caused the entire room to burst into laughter, even T'Challa himself couldn't suppress his amusement at the joke.
After the room cooled down from the immense laughter, it was Tony who spoke again.

"Y/N, you and Pietro are looking mighty comfortable." He pointed out, noticing that you were still holding Pietro's hand in your lap. "If you wanna tell the team about your secret love affair, you should probably wait until we're all together." Tony looked at his watch dramatically. "Like uh, right now for example?"
You let go and pushed Pietro's hand out of your lap, smiling awkwardly at Tony "It's nothing," you answered quickly, trying to rid the team or anyone else of any suspicious.
It wasn't personal, and you liked Pietro a lot but you were a spitfire with a playboy mentality, you couldn't be seen fawning and falling to your knees for the first man you met, and while you knew Pietro was the same way, you still felt guilty about what you'd just done.

You cast a glance at Piet and immediately regretted it. He was staring back at you, his face was twisted angrily. Eyebrows furrowed and mouth upturned, he was visibly upset that you'd pushed him away.

But what was I supposed to do? You thought as you stared at him for a moment. It's not like you were going to admit to anything any time soon.
You then felt kinda stupid for having an entire conversation in your head.
he felt within that it made you feel sorry in an instant. He stood up,
"It's late and I think I'll be getting to bed now." He announced to the rest of the team sternly, obviously angry before speeding away to his room, leaving a faint blue trail behind him.
"Ooooooooooooooooo," Tony mocked childishly. "Somebody made lover boy upset."

Why did I do that? You can be so mean sometimes without even trying sometimes Y/N, don't be an idiot, go apologize to him.
You thought to yourself unhappily.

You stood up and excused yourself as well, following after Piet much slower and making it to his room in time to see him already laying in his bed with his back turned toward you. Another clap of thunder caused him to fidget slightly, and you immediately wanted to console him but didn't know how.

You said, placing your hand on his shoulder.
He turned to look at you.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you away like that earlier.
I.. care about you a lot Pietro. I like being around you and I'm sorry." You said, hoping it didn't sound too awkward coming out.
A smile quirked at the corner of his lips.
"I care about you too Y/N. Besides, I know you like being around me, who doesn't?" He replied playfully, showing that he'd forgiven you and was happy that you'd admitted something for him.

"Hey Piet, get over yourself, then when you finish, make some room for me. I'm going to sleep in your room tonight."
You replied sarcastically, giving his shoulder a nudge and smiling. He laughed, and rolled over. Secretly you decided it'd be best if you didn't leave him alone in the thunder storm because you didn't like to see him upset or afraid. And you knew he'd appreciate your company as much as you appreciated his.

You gradually crawled into the bed, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head against his back so that he was the little spoon, even though he was bigger than you were.
You couldn't help but listen to his heart beat song side the quiet hum of his body which lulled you to sleep. As you drifted off comfortably you could've sworn he muttered something in Sokovian, but you were too tired to hear it and didn't speak the language.

"Miluji tě."
Translated: I love you.


The end
Uggghh That was adorable to write.
Ugh also, had to do a bit of research since Sokovia doesn't actually exist, so I just ended up using Czech. The translation for Miluji tě is I love you.
Cute right?

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