Which Pet You Would Adopt

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The topic of getting a pet hadn't really crossed you and Steve's conversations much. But you decided that you knew him well enough to know that he'd love a puppy for his birthday. You took in to consideration his all-American seeming image and friendly and loving personality and decided to get a golden retriever puppy. You introduced the the puppy to him on his birthday and as you'd expected, he adored her. As a little inside joke you decided to call the puppy Dori, short for Dorito.

In this scenario, it was Sam who was pushing for the two of you to adopt a dog; whereas you were more lax towards the idea and didn't see any reason to rush. It seemed like every ASPCA commercial was a cue for him to go on about how great it'd be to have a dog.
"It'd be like our own kid, babe." or "We could get a rescue dog... give it a good home?" And the signature "C'mon baby, will you consider it? For me?". After weeks of persuasion and opening what seemed like an endless supply of adorable rescue dog videos sent by him, you caved; and decided to adopt a rescued grey pit-bull, and named her Molly.

Clint really didn't like the idea of having a pet. So you didn't get one.

Bruce was over the moon about the idea of having an animal counterpart. You'd suggested a pet could help keep Bruce calm, sort of like a service animal and a Bruce was content to use this as an excuse to get a pet. It was an easy compromise between the two of you, and both of you were equally enthusiastic about it. You decided to get a bird. Bruce thought that they were intelligent and cute (and therefore reminded him of you) and You enjoyed the caring for the cute little creatures. The bird was a cute green parakeet named Buddy, who would keep Bruce company in his lab every so often.

Buck was less enthusiastic when it came to being around something much smaller than him. He feared that he'd accidentally hurt it in some way, he'd told you this once, and you hadn't brought up the idea since then. You hadn't really even considered a pet until one day when going about your errands, you stumbled  an abandoned kitten. No mother or siblings in-sight. You knew what you were risking when you picked up the small, mewling scrap in your arms; but the way the kitten comfortably nestled into you momentarily after convinced you that it was for the best.
What ensued after you rescued the cat, were a total of about two weeks of attempting to hide the kitten from your partner, Bucky. Until an almost whimsical incident where Buck found the kitten and surprisingly didn't seem too shocked. If it had been up to him, he'd have given the cat up to a shelter, but he could see what it meant to you and decided he could handle sharing his home with a kitten. He seemed  uncomfortable and hesitant to interact with the feline at first, but Buck began to ease up and take a liking to Smokey when she rested comfortably in the crook of his metal arm. It was that moment that Smokey [the cat] had unknowingly secured her spot on Bucky's arm and in your hearts.

Peter Quill
It was a very, very rare occasion that you and the GOTG team could all collectively agree on something. This was not one of those particular times, although it did come close. Mantis, Drax and You all seemed enthusiastic about adopting a pet, Gamora and Rocket thought it was a waste of space and Quill and Groot were so-so about it.about the idea of getting a pet. After a week of family like bickering; you'd all taken a vote and the want for a pet outweighed the opposite.
The only problem was finding an animal that could keep up with the life-style of constantly being in space and being on a ship often of proved difficult. You knew this because you and the team experienced it. The first lizard got lossed somewhere on the ship and everyone assumed that the second one had succumb to the same fate, until Groot admitted to eating both of them.
It seemed impossible, until you found a species of animal called a Porg. [Yes it's from Star Wars lmao I couldn't think of anything else]
They were adorable and too big for Groot to eat. They also made great ship companions and didn't mind being aboard a space-craft all of the time.
You named the little Porg, Kevin, after Kevin Bacon.

It was Natasha who'd surprised you with a pet. You'd been coming back from a mission one day when she greeted you with an unusually wide smile.
That was when she introduced you to Ace. A small, black kitten who was loving and  undoubtedly adorable.
Thor's Asgardian culture wasn't  accustomed to the idea of having an animal companion, so it was difficult for him when you brought home Bruce, the St. Bernard puppy. Weirdly enough, Thor adjusted to having Bruce around quite quickly. Probably because of their similarity in a very loving personality and big hearts and the height to match. It seemed like the more Bruce grew, so did you and Thor's love for him.

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