trophy boy

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To be clear when I say bad boy I'm not talking about the cliche bad boy, the bad boy who
breaks law, that's abusive, uses drugs, or even murders for no reason. I'm not talking about the bad guy who wears tough boots, ripped jeans, leather bracelets, and/or a chained wallet. I'm not talking about the bad boy that keeps a serious face to look as tough as possible or the bad guy that behaves or talks aggressively.
This is my traits of a bad boy (unpopular but my opinion)
1. Bad boys don't pretend
2. Bad boys have athletic confidence
3. Bad boys aren't afraid of rejection
4. Bad boys don't try to fit in
5. Bad boys don't need approval
6. Bad boys aren't victims
7. Bad boys think for themselves
8. Bad boys are brutally honest
9. Bad boys are passionate
10. Bad boys value themselves
11. Bad boys pursue what they want
12. Bad boys aren't clowns
13. Bad boys handle their problems
14. Bad boys aren't sorry
15. Bad boys are unpredictable
16. Bad boys don't compare themselves to others
These are the traits of the Italian bad boy that I will have in my story. Don't like, don't read you have been warned.

Adrien is a French teen model that almost every girl drooled over in his school, he was musically talented and an excellent fencer. The beautiful blonde boy seemed really sweet and cheery, being a straight A student and perfect gentleman despite being somewhat miserable about his home situation. Not only was he a famous model, a master fencer and perfect piano player but he was also living a double live as Paris' favorite cat themed hero Cat Noir. He clearly had a lot on his plate and struggled with juggling everything at times but he had great friends to help him through it all, despite his good friends he was lonely, being a hopeless romantic didn't help. He wanted to find his soulmate but showed no real interest in the girls at his school despite how pretty or nice they were. Not even Chloe his rich childhood friend, Lila the most popular girl in school and Kagami a world champion fencer; The three mean girls of the school, they were all very competitive for his attention and affection trying to win over the title of his girlfriend. Marinette a blooming fashion designer also had a puppy dog crush on him but due to his clueless nature and fangirls Marinette soon turned her attention to a guitar playing punk rocker Luka who she fell madly in love with and soon forgetting all about her crush on Adrien but she still thought he was pretty great and was a big inspiration for her fashion designs. the only sad part is Adrien didn't even notice that Marinette stop liking him. Adrien AKA Cat Noir was only interested in his superhero partner Ladybug he thought they were meant to be but she only saw him as her teammate and nothing more. She constantly rejected him and his cheesy romantic gestures but he still continue to try to woo her desperately despite always failing. Currently Adrien sat in class chewing on the end of his pen as he listen to the teacher while Chloe, Lila and Kagami all stared at him with hearts in their eyes thinking how perfect he was. When the bell rang Adrien dashed for the door he had plans to hang out with his best friend; Nino but Chloe jumped in front of him, "Adrikens! Do you want to come over to my place? Daddy got me this new stereo. I know how much you like Jagged Stone, we could listen to him." She leaned close to him trying to seduce him but Adrien just brushed her off by rubbing the back of his head and giving an awkward laugh. "Sorry Chlo I have plans..." "That's right he has plans with me!" Lila voiced as she put an arm around him and pulled him close to her side. "Actually... I made plans with Nino... But maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" "you promised you would practice fencing with me tomorrow..." Kagami voice with arms crossed over her chest. "Oh right right! Well... I have to go..." he swiftly pulled away from Lila and flash them a small smile before running towards Nino. The three girls sighed happily, they loved watching him walk away before they began to bicker. Adrien let out a sigh of relief only to have Nino chuckle. "Dude you are popular with the ladies as always... I mean they are all hot in their own way, I don't know why you don't try dating at least one of them... You know just to enjoy the fun and chill time." "Oh come on Nino we've been over this. I don't want anything to do with them... I mean they are great friends but I'm only interested in Ladybug."

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