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{There is always a YouTube video for a header, and we recommend playing it for mood music! Thanks!}

Long ago, before the world was created, four gods were born from the vast universe.

The oldest one of all, the Goddess of the Sun, ruled over the other three gods.

You guessed it, her power was her light. Although it was the light, a single glance from her can kill.

There were two equal gods, the God of the Ocean, and the God of the Earth.

Yes, it's obvious. They have the powers of water and land, and are the gods you should never mess with.

Then, the youngest, the Goddess of the Sky, lived below these three powerful beings.

Yet she is still one of the most powerful gods as she could control gravity and all the air around and inside you.

Twas' quite lonely with just the four of them, so with their unique powers, created the Children of the World. They are gods just like them, but they're more of the guardians of the world.

There were three Children of the World, The Child of Weather, the Child of Fire, and the Child of Nature.

The Child of Weather was the eldest and is the most powerful out of the Three, as he could bring devastating storms and climate.

Truthfully, he's just the less powerful and more destructive and enhanced version of the Goddess of the Sky, and is her favorite.

The Child of Fire and the Child of Nature were complete opposites, yet they still found a way to work together, being a life-giver and a life-taker.

Together, they all created what we call Earth. (The God of Earth first started to do the work!)

It lasted for seven days, The God of the Ocean filled the land with salt water, the God of the Earth created land with the tips of his hands, The Goddess of the Sun made sure to shine a bright light for the land to flourish, and the Goddess of the Sky gave protection to the harmful rays of the light, and covered the sky with a pretty blue.

The Child of Nature then started to flourish the rocky land with plants and animals, strange creatures and beings roamed the land before the humans. The Child of Weather nourished and controlled the living things with the use of weather.

As they finished, the Child of Fire felt lonely, for she only had the power to destruct, not create.

And so, she thought,

"With their creations, their resources, could I make my own creature out of their creations?"

She began to think, and thought,

"With wet earth and heat, I shall create a creature in which looks like us gods. But they will hurt and die, just like the other life my sister has created. Their powers won't be grounded in the same ways like ours, and they will have the ability to create and to love. Seishin will be abundant, and it will be up to them to decide how they use the powers. I shall call this a human," 

Taking mud, the Child of Fire's creativity and imagination shaped the first human.

Her only problem was that she didn't have the power to give life to the first human. And so, she pleaded to her sister, the Child of Nature to give it life.

"But what is its purpose? Does it have a goal?" She kindly asked, curious about what her dear sister had in mind.

"It's going to be like us, but it figures out its own purpose. It will have a mind of its own, not knowing what it's purpose towards its own kind and other cretins," she explained carefully.

"Ah," she replied, "What do you call this cretin?"


"Will it have seishin?"

"Yes. Our seishin mixed and given to this little cretin. It will create branches to other possible powers. It is up to them." the Child of Fire replied.

"I see. Let's ask the higher-ups if we could give life to it, alright?" the Child of Nature replied, as they flew upwards with their gorgeous wings of fire and wings of the Mariposa.

"Alright, dear sister."

"Do you think Corentin would like it?" the Child of Fire asked her sister.


Corentin shut the book off, as he looks to the children.

"Did you like it, kids?" He asked, smiling, "It's pretty much a story about how humans were made and where you got your powers."

"Yeah!" They exclaimed.

Corentin sighed, as he looked below over the scenes of splattered blood. He dismissed the scene as he didn't want the children to see such an awful scene. As he dismisses the scene, the children looked curiously and smiled back at him.

"Maybe someday I'll have a child as well, and I can tell them these stories."

Chapter 1, Bleeding Still will be released next week!

New chapter every Thursdays!

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