Our Past

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{We always have a YouTube video for our header for mood music. Thanks!}

Brian's Perspective

I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door, hearing Lila's voice. (I swear, that girl is somehow always awake in the morning).

"Brian! It's breakfast time!" She called out as she knocked.

I bolted up from my bed, not wanting to embarrass myself, especially right when Lila's at the door!

"I'm coming! I'm dressing actually, haha," I managed to say without sounding woozy.

I opened the closet while taking off my clothes in a hurry. I managed to take out a pair of black pants and a green t-shirt whilst throwing my clothes over to the bed. I hurriedly put them on and bolted out the door. I ran down the stairs.

I saw Angelina in the living room, I guess waiting for all of us to wake up. I could see the nymphs in the kitchen rushing past each other preparing our breakfast.

There was a huge round table in the middle of the living room, with the couch facing the table. There were already plates and silverware placed on the table. I walked towards the couch and sat beside Angelina. She slid down, away from me.

The next one who got down was David. His hair was perfectly styled, there was absolutely NOTHING sticking out, and it was shiny. His face says otherwise, though—still sleepy.

The nymphs already got our breakfast at our tables, and Dew still hasn't come out yet. After a little over 5 minutes, she and Lila cane down together. All of us could tell Dew was half-asleep.

We all finally were gathered around the table, eating our food silently and awkwardly. Everyone looked bored, except for Lila, who seemed very excited. All of a sudden, the nymphs gathered around our table as well, while Camellia lights up the campfire right in front of us. Lila broke the silence.

"Let's all tell each other a bit about ourselves!" She said, cheerfully.

"Ooh, yes!" Azalea said happily, "We nymphs love to share our pasts!"

Everyone stared, but kept on chewing. I suppose no one wanted to say anything, or everyone was just scared of offending them by pointing out they were just a plant.

"Well, you see, we were spirits created for the great god of the Earth, born from his guardian," Dahilia said, "with a little help from the Master of the Seas, Lumen, we four were created as nymphs."

"We couldn't be made without godly help—after all, only the gods can give life to spirits," Amaryllia expanded.

"It was just us four, you see, when we were summoned here when Lila first summoned her first tree," Camellia said, "That's mainly when we met her. We were told that the gods wanted us to protect someone as powerful as Lila! We rose to Lila's every wish, even at times she did not know. Over time, our hearts became connected to one another, our souls fused and our minds wrapped around one another."

"We are all connected to Lila and her treehouse—her mind, her presence, and her seishin most especially. When Lila perishes, we shall return to the gods as little seedlings. In the next few centuries, we will regrow and gain more power as we recover, and to help our next master," Azalea finished with a smile.

Lila was blushing to the color of her scarlet sweater. She cleared her throat.

"Wow, um, I—we—didn't know that. Thank you, Camellia, Amaryllia, Dahilia, and Azalea. Does anyone—um—want to go next?" Lila managed to stutter out.

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