chapter three

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" My name's Darius btw." The cute boy said as he had a smirk on his face.

" Mine's Hannah." I sais not really paying attention at him and looking through my stuff to find my charger.

As we were trying to have a conversation Sig' finally entered the room.

" Hey sorry I'm late. Are you guys ready to go ?" Sig said grabbing her purse. She looked stunning in her outfit.

" Waw Sig you look stunning. I wish I could have the same body as yours though." I said looking at her then back at my reflexion in the mirror.

" Omg Hannah please don't say that. You look beautiful look at you!" She said smiling.

" Okay girls It's not the moment to make some compliments both of you look amazing now can we go ??" Darius said looking at both of us.

" Thank you Darius. Yes now let's go." Sig said as Darius walk out the door.

" Hey Sig, your boyfriend is kind of cute." I said not even thinking about Payton...

" Don't worry Hannah he's all yours, he's not my boyfriend he's my friend." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me with her.

" I have to stop thinking this way about Darius. I have a boyfriend. And I love Payton." I thought as I walk out the building.

* skip to party *

As me and Sig entered the house, a strong smell of alcohol and weed filled the atmosphere. Everybody was dancing, kissing, some of them were very drunk. Sig pulled me to a room which I think the living room. Everybody was in the backyard btw.

" Hey Sig' who's the new "pretty" girl you brought with you." A girl said emphasizing the word "pretty" as she sat on Darius's lap.

" She my roommate aka my best friend Zoe so don't you dare making fun of her." Sig said sitting down on the couch.

" Okay calm down don't forget that I'm dating your best friend and he prefers me than you so I can end you guys relationship really easily." Zoe said looking at me after looking at Sig.

" We're not even dating anymore Zoe can you please stop." Darius said pushing her off of him so that she sits on the couch now.

I looked at Sig and she had a cup in her hand.
" You drink?! Wait I thought you didn't drink" I whispered at Sig kind of confused.

" Relax Hannah it's just a drink it's not a big deal." She said reassuring me.

" Okay now who wants to play truth or dare?!" Zoe said looking at me idek why.

" Yesss!" The others said.

" Okay I'll go first" Zoe said smirking at me.

I was really uncomfortable sitting there with bunch of drunk people around me.

" Hannah truth or dare?" Zoe said.

" Truth." I replied quickly.

" Tell us your worst sexual story." She said laughing and looking at Darius.

I stayed quiet. Why ? Because I'm a virgin. I didn't know what to say so I just stay quiet looking at the ground.

" Wait.. Are you still a virgin ?" Zoe said and laughing afterwards.

I was embarrassed. All my memories of last year came back. I couldn't breath. I was shaking and all I could hear was Zoe laughing. I stood up and went out. I sat on a rock in front of the door. I was just thinking about everything that has happened. I pulled out my phone and called Payton. I needed to hear his voice.

* Phone convo *
Hello ?
Hey Payton, it's me Hannah.
Hey babe how are you doing?
I'm good actually hbu ?
Wait I can't hear anything where are you ?
Oh I'm with Sig' she's my roommate and we're just with some of her friends.
So you're at a party ? Did you drink?! Hannah I can hear your voice and it's not like your normal voice are you okay ?!
I'm fine baby I just had a drink it's not a big deal.
Oh so you drink now ? So now that you're in a campus with other people doesn't mean you have to change to fit in Hannah.
I didn't change Payton what are you talking about ?
I'm sorry Hannah but I don't think I could live a long distance relationship..
Wait what? Are really breaking up with me through the phone?
I'm sorry Hannah I loved you I really did.
What do you mean you did ? Hello? Payton are you still here?

I turned off my phone and start to cry. As tears were falling down my cheeks I heard someone behind me...

Heyy guys! So here's chapter three I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm going to upload a chapter a day so I have time to write them down first. Who do you think was behind Hannah ? Next chapter tomorrow... 🤫

Note: Your life is filled with obstacles, and you have to get through them and not let them control your life. You are strong and one day you'll be proud of yourself. I love you. Stay strong baby. 💓

- Hannah🧸

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