7. Art Of Self Love

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Old sketch book covers,
Always had this scenery,
Of a soul place,
All shades of trees and floating boats.
I still think they were our muse.
To paint everything beautiful.
Things which captivated your heart,
Stirred you, made you feel things.
Art is your reflection gazing back
in the mirror.
Art is your glimpse you caught,
In the window glass of the old shop,
Every passerby car and shiny objects.
You, art can't be gauzed.
Art is Van Gogh's Starry night,
Turbulent flow of fluid dynamics, not simple,
Master piece created in a psychotic episode.
Hauntingly mesmerizing.
Art can't always be captured,
In strokes, in moves, in words, in vocals.
Art is more often abstract,
No accurate depiction, varying conviction.
Not everybody tries to understand art,
But you darling, learn to appreciate art.
Because art is self growth.
Art is also the messy stroke, spilled color, misspelled word,
You're scared to show others.
Art is your dark side and good one combined.
Art is all your flaws and perfection.
Art is you expressing and blooming.
Art is creative you.
Art is beautiful. ⠀

Poems : Eunoia On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara