8. Acceptance Of Change

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Is there a moment
when change hits you,
Just like the first rain,
hitting the Earth surface.
The aroma of first rain,
lingering the air.
Things have changed,
Yet are the same.
The trees were always there,
The poem still alive.
Is there a moment,
you realize you came ahead
letting go of things in the past.
You are different from
what you were yesterday.
You are still the same
as of yesterday.
There is no earth shattering moment
when things change.
No dramatic lightning.
No one plays ukulele in the background.
It's another mundane day.
You just know,
that the person staring
back at you from the mirror
is no longer drawn into
that negative vortex spiral.
The gloomy part is,
things have changed.
Yet are the same.
The sliver lining is,
things have changed.
Yet are the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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