Ultrasound and a surprising visit

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Felicia: Philippines you have visitors

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Felicia: Philippines you have visitors

Namayan and Tondo Kingdom: Nasaan ang aming princessa?! (Where is our princess)

Philippines: Oh no...

Japan: Piri-chan are those 2-?

America: Dudes who the hell are they!?

England and Spain: *pale af*

Germany: Vhat zhe hell!?

Philippines: Hi Tay Nay. (Hi mom and dad)

America: That's Philippines real parents!

Germany: I zhought Spain was?!

Italy: This is so confusing!

Romano: That's it I'm out *barrel rolls to the window*

Namayan Kingdom: Philippines ang aking anak! kamusta ka? tika lang...BUNTIS KA?! SINO AND TATAY?!
(Philippines my child! how are you? Wait a minute...ARE YOU PREGNANT?! WHO'S THE FATHER?!)

Philippines: Ma chill lang! (Mom chill)

Tondo Kingdom: *Brought out his spear* Sino ang tatay?

Everyone: *scared*

Spain and Romano: *shakily points at Japan*

Japan: *tense up and raises hand* A-Ako po.

Tondo Kingdom: Ah Japan kamusta naman hijo! (Japan how are you hijo)

Namayan kingdom: Ikaw pala yung tatay hay salamat sa Diyos! (You're the Father oh thank God!)

Japan: Wait you're not mad?

Namayan Kingdom: Of course not hijo!

Tondo Kingdom: Were proud actually at least it wasnt those 2 people over there *glares at Spain and America*

America and Spain: *shivering*

Tondo Kingdom: So how is the baby?

Japan: Good and Hearthy sir.

Tondo Kingdom: You don't have to call me sir you can just call me Tondo you are my son-in-law after all!

Japan: Hai Tondo-san

Namayan Kingdom: So what're the Babies Gender is it a boy or a girl?

Philippines: *holds each Japan's hand and takes a deep Breath* We're having twins! its a boy and a girl!

Namayan and Tondo Kingdom: That's great!

Japan: We're still thinking of a name though.

Namayan Kingdom: Eek I can't wait for the babies! By the way, when are you due?

Philippines: Me too *caressing her stomach* Well about 6 months I think.

Tondo Kingdom: Mahal we have to go back our time is almost up.

Namayan Kingdom: Aww alright we'll visit again in 4 months bye! *leaves with Tondo Kingdom*

Philippines: Paalam Mama Papa!

Japan: Thank Kami-sama that your parents didn't kill me.

Philippines: Aw was someone nervous?

Japan: N-No...

America: Man was Phili's dad scary!

Spain: I thought I was her Papa!

Romano: Shut up Tomato bastard!

Italy: So scary!

Germany: I'm just gonna go to a corner, grab Italy, and cuddle him because I am scared of Filipino's. *does the things that he said*

Felicia: *sigh* I'm glad that there are no chaos and all those deadly shit anyway bye and send us truth and dares!

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