Chapter 2

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     I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Nickleback is blaring through my headphones and my mind wonders to her. The Target girl. So small and, fragile looking. Fragile looking? Is that really a thing? I don't know. But she seems so, innocent. And if you touch her, she might break. Who knows? Maybe she's already broken.

    I hear a knock on the door and the door opening. Michael appears and enters my room. I take my headphones off and sit up. "Hey Luke", he says, sitting on the opposite side of the bed. "I wanted to talk to you about Emily". I sigh and shake my head.

    "No need. If you like her, go for it", I reply. Would it hurt to see them together? Hell yeah. But, Michael is my best friend. I want him to be happy. Even if it is with the Target girl. Michael chuckles. "What?". He just looks at me.

       "Emily is just a friend to me. I have no feelings for her whatsoever. Ick. No thank you", He replies. Relief floods through me and I breathe a sigh of relief. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, then walks out.

     I decide to watch Super Natural so I go on my Netflix app on my ps4 and start watching. I watch it for a couple of episodes then get up and go downstairs.

         I trot down the stairs and Emily is sitting on my couch, scrolling through her phone. I decide to make my move. I jump over the seat and land next to her. She glares up at me then looks back down at her phone. I sit there for a second. "Oh my god! May I help you???", She asks in annoyance. I shrug and smirk at her. "Ew, Get away from me". She pushes me gently and gets up. I take this tme to check her out. She has light blue skinny jeans on and a pink sweater that says "princess" in sprakly letters. She has sparkly flats on as well.

    "Luke, stop checking me out. It's weird", she says. I roll my eyes and try and hide my blush. Michael comes walking through the door and at the same time Calum does and they run into each other. Emily walks slowly over to me and hides her face with her hands.

     Michael looks at Calum for a second before looking like he just saw a ghost. "Hey mate, something wrong? You look a little pale", Calum says. Emily shrieks and everyone looks at her and she covers her mouth again.

    "Michael! Let's go shopping! Yay! Like we planned? Come onnn", Emily says, walking over to Micahel. Michael nods and almost falls when Calum asks to go with them. "Ya! Sure! Woo! shopping day! Uh.. Luke? Wanna come with us?", I shrug and get up and walk out the door. I get into my car. Everyone but Emily gets in. "I am NOT getting in that!".

    I roll my eyes and Ashton comes out and drags her to the car. "I need new shoes. I'm coming too", he says as he gently shoves her into the front seat of the car and sits in the back. We drive to the mall and Emily is the first to get out.

    "You could have killed me!", she whines. I roll my eyes and we all go in the mall. Emily squeals and grabs my hand and drags me inside a very girly store. "Oh look at all the clothes!!!". She spins around and I smile at her. She tries on some clothes and ends up buyng a dress, like 5 crop tops, some sandals, and 3 head bands. She finally drags me out of the store.

    We go into other stores and she picks things out for herself, ending up buying a ton of things. She picks things out for me too, which I end up buying just because she picked it out. At the end of the day, everyone is happy and Michael seems... more comfortable around Calum than he was. I wonder what's up with that.

   Just one thing is for sure, I am definitely falling for Emily.

The Target Girl ~A Luke Hemmings fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now