Ch 5

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Penny's p.o.v

We were back in Hogwarts in the hospital section of the school. Harry was sleeping in a bed, we found him unconscious in the woods after he went into the woods to look for Sirius. Sirius was trying to protect us from Lupin when he transformed into a werewolf. I was sitting next to Ron, who was also in a bed because of his injured leg.

Harry slowly woke up and Hermione quickly informed him that Sirius Black was captured and that the worst punishment would be given to him. The Demonter kiss was going to suck away his soul.

The doors opened, revealing our headmaster, checking up on us.

"Headmaster, you have to stop them. They've got the wrong man." Hermione said to him.

"It's true! Sirius is innocent." Harry desperately cried out.

"It's Scabbers who did it." Ron added. Dumbledore looked at Ron confused by what he just said. It wouldn't make any sense since he doesn't know the whole story.

"Who?" Oh, right! He also doesn't know who Scabbers is, or was.

"He was Ron's rat, sir. Well not exactly. The point is Peter Pettigrew transformed into a rat." I explained.

"I believe you, truly I do. But sadly, the words of four 13 years old wizards will convince few others. Mysteries thing, time." He said and looked at the enormous clock by the wall. " You know the laws Miss Granger. Dumbledore said, looking at Mione specifically. Then he left without another word.

At first I wasn't sure what he was saying, but after seeing Hermione taking out her time turner necklace, I finally understood.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked.

"Sorry Ron. But seeing as you can't walk.... Penny, are you coming?"Mione asked me. I shook my head no and smiled at her and Harry.

"No. Someone has to take care of Ron." I stated.

"Thank you, Penny. You, unlike them, are a nice person." I can tell by his tone, that Ron was not happy that Mione wasn't so worried for him. After a moment, she and Harry disappeared. Then, they entered the room from where Dumbledore just left.

"How'd you get from there," He pointed at them, then at the spot where they disappeared from just seconds ago "when I was just talking to you here?" He asked them and freaking out.

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asked Harry.

"I don't know." Harry answered. The two of them acting oblivious. I tried not to let my giggles out.

"Penny! Please tell me I'm right. You saw it too! And you never lie. I know you better than these two." Ron begged me to agree with him as he held my arm tightly. It's true, though. I don't lie. So instead, I just patted his head softly.

"Oh Ron. I think you need to rest your head with everything that happened today. You'll feel much better in the morning." I told him.

"But-but" He tried to stay sitting up, but I managed to push him down to lay flat.

"Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?" Harry asked with a cheeky smile and sat next to me. It felt good to have him around. Sometimes he makes me feel at home.


"Penny!" I heard someone call my name. I was standing outside in the courtyard admiring the sunny clear sky and fresh air. I turned to look at who it was. It was Draco. To be honest, I did still feel guilty about hitting him. I don't know what came over me. But I was still disappointed in him for what he was planning on doing to Buckbeak.

"Draco listen-" He put his hand up to signal me to stop. His face looked ashamed.

"Don't apologize, I understand. You had every right to be angry with me." He quickly said. He looked at me with such innocent eyes. He was serious.

"How badly did I hit you?" I shyly asked. He chuckled a bit.

"To be honest, it did hurt. But just for a moment." He said and touched his cheek where I had punched him before. I was shocked. Did I really hurt him that much?

"Really? You're not lying to me?"

I don't know how to describe it, but it almost looked like he was staring at something with lots of care and love. Maybe I need to rest my head too.

"I'll never lie to you." He sounded honest. That's the thing with Draco Malfoy. Every time we talk, it's the only time when he's being honest with himself and is a good person.

A crowd of students ran out into the courtyard with Harry taking the lead. He had a grin on his face and a new broom in his hands.

"What's going on?" I asked. Draco immediately glared at Harry when we saw him get on his broom.

"Seems to me that Potter is showing off again. " He grumbled. I wonder what made Draco hate Harry so much. Just then, I saw Hermione and Ron noticing me and coming towards us.

"Penny did you hear?" Mione asked me.

"Hear what?"

"Someone sent Harry the newest and fastest broom ever!" Ron excitedly announced.

"What? That's brilliant!" I cheered.

We all watched Harry as he flew faster than before in the sky. He deserves it.

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