Day Thirty-Four... Nyma, Nyma, Nyma (Saturday)

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"Can I get my usual with a caramel macchiato?"

Pidge looks up at me and adjusts her glasses.


"Uh- My usu-"


She sighs.

"Who's the other coffee for?"

"Oh! Nyma."

She visibly droops and groans loudly.

"Hey! You be nice. She's my girlfriend."

"She's a player. She takes people's hearts and drains them before breaking them and leaving them for someone else to put back together with glue."

"That's surprisingly graphic."

"She's not a good person Lance. You can do better."

"I don't understand why you think of her so badly. She's different."

"I'm warning you. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt. She's a great person and I like her. I wish you would stop and just think about me for once."

"I am thinking about you."

"No. You're thinking about yourself."

I growl before turning and stalking towards the door.

"Forget the coffee. I have better things to do."

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