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CHAPTER THREE » ❝ I would rather run forever
with you than stand alone without you.. . .

    " Hear me, and rejoice

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    " Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to..." The strange alien started, which caused Iris to scruff out in annoyance. She heard the same damn thing before from every single  villain that she has faced. The female speedster then glance at Tony, who already looked so completely done with the strange alien. Was it not possible to have one day without the world somehow getting taken over or ending by some means? Just one day?

    " I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." Retorted Tony in a rather bored tone. This was by no means, his first time picking a fight with an alien. Certainly wouldn't be his last time either. Iris's fingers messed with her sliver Flash ring that her former best friend, Hope Van Dyne, had made her. It had tech within it that made her suite grow and shrink, it allowed the female hero to change into her hero suite much quicker and easier. It was easier then her having to run back to the Avengers compound or have to akwardly carry it in a bag, which could just as easily expose her true identity. Which was something that she wanted to keep private. It was bad enough that the tabloids wouldn't shut up about her relationship status and personal life, but mixing in a hero life would just be pouring gasoline to a big fierce fire. 

         " Stonekeeper..." the alien started as he stared down at them as they were just completely less than his very own existences. The creatures eyes were cold and deadly, yet oddly so calm as they land on Stephen Strange. The alien then gestured towards Tony.  "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

    " Certainly not. I speak for myself." states Stephen fiercely as he makes a magical shields that are readied with his fists and takes a threatening step forward. "But, you're trespassing in this city and on this planet." he growls. Wong then emulates Strange's pose. Iris glances at Tony and Bruce as she silently wonders what she should do. Iris's main weapon of defense with her own villains is appealing to their empathy, but she knows that this isn't the time for any level of  empathy because these creature didn't have any. They worked for the same creature that mind controlled Loki; who mind controlled a literal norse god into destroying New York.

    " It means get lost, Squidward!" exclaimed Tony in annoyances. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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