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The loud music, you could feel your body thud with each drop of the bass from the song playing inside. You wait in the line. Wearing your long, slick, black dress, and pull your out ID.

When checked if at age, you stumble into the club, directly walking to the bar.

You sat yourself down on one of the cushioned stools. You drag your head
up, reading all of the drinks listen on the menu above. Giving up, you sighed, waving the bartender over.

"Give me the strongest thing you have." You said, running your hands through your hair. The bartender just nodded and went off to make your drink.

"Hey beautiful, Why so serious?" A voice rang from behind you. A woman sat down on the stool next to you. She looked beat up, and the alcohol was to blame.

"I'll tell you what, you don't look lesbian, or into girls at that," The unknown woman said, shakily pointing her finger at your chest. "But hey! Threesome? My boyfriend wants to try something new and you're really pretty." She slurred out.

You didn't react. In fact, you just stared. Mostly confused, sort of afraid. The sound of glass hitting the counter pulled you out of your trance.

"Ma'am, heres your drink." The young man said from behind the counter. You nodded at him and smiled, saying a polite thank you.

"So what do you say, pretty woman? Ya down?" She winked, or at least attempted to wink.

"I think i'll pass." You replied, chugging the drink in front of you. A burning sensation went down your throat, the alcohol intoxicating your system.

She lady next to you seemed to look at someone behind you, slightly nodding. Her gaze went back to you and she smiled.

"That's a shame." her smile morphed into a frown. "You should meet him though, my boyfriend. You might change your mind."

Soon, a man in around his 30's came behind both of you, Holding three drinks.

"Hey babe, hello stranger. Thirsty?" He said sitting the three glasses of what looks like coke and rum onto the counter in front of you.

"I-uh, no it's okay. I already have a drink." You said stirring your straw in the crystal clear liquid.

The unknown man grabbed the glass that was previously in your hand and downed the rest of it.

"Wow, that is strong. If you liked that you'll like this." He said, pushing the glass towards you.

You gave into the free drink and took a small sip. Sure it tasted like coke and rum, at least a little bit. You took another sip, focusing on the flavor.

This had to be mixed with something, something other than rum. Vodka? Whiskey? You couldn't put your finger on it.

"Hey uh, I think i'm actually done for the night.. it was nice meeting-" Your sentence was cut off from a sudden pounding in your head. You drank too quickly?

"I-i'm just going to go." You said, stumbling out of the building as quick as you walked in.

That's where everything went fuzzy. Blurry and forgetful. Then it went black and your body collapsed on the cold pavement.


oOp, i decided to post what i wrote to get more reads you fEel mE? sksk

no but seriously ive lacked so much motivation to write but now that its summer this is what i do for fun.

i changed some things but it'll all make sense later.

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